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Los cognados Cognates.

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Presentation on theme: "Los cognados Cognates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los cognados Cognates

2 Al fin de esta lección, you will be able to…
Define cognate and give several examples of cognates and loan words. Recognize examples of cognates and loan words from the target language in other disciplines.

3 The following words are examples of cognates. What is a cognate
The following words are examples of cognates. What is a cognate? Discuss in your familias as you look at the words. teléfono perfecto foto alfabeto contento tigre repite montañas lámpara números clase experimentar estudiante sociable

4 A cognate is …. Un cognado es…
A word that looks the same in Spanish and English It may be a derivation from a word in another language, meaning both Spanish and English adapted the original word from another language (Latin, German, etc) Look around the room. Can you find any more? Let’s watch this video and find some! Juan Gabriel: Mexico es todo

5 So what is a loan word? Here are some examples
In English: adobe, taco, pronto, plaza, canyon A loanword is a word used directly from another language with little or no translation or change.

6 So why do we have Spanish loan words in English?
Most Spanish loan words have come to English by way of: U.S. Southwest Trade Cuisine Interested in more info? Check here actually-spanish

7 Here are some examples of some words in Spanish that are ENGLISH loan words
bésibol, jazz, clic, esnob, chat, locker, un hobby, hámster, cámping Can you think of any words in English that are from languages other than Spanish?

8 But wait a minute… What about FALSE COGNATES?
What type of school do you think un colegio is? WRONG! It looks like college but it really means high school. That means colegio is a FALSE cognate! Here is another example: Use a device or dictionary to look up the true translation of pan, mayor, embarazada Interested in more info? Check here

9 A ti te toca (it’s your turn)
Cow Vaca Deer Venado Dog Perro Elephant Elefante Fox Zorro Giraffe Jirafa Goat Cabra Gorilla Gorila Hippopotamus Hipopótamo Horse Caballo Hyena Hiena Kangaroo Canguro Koala Leopard Leopardo Lion León A ti te toca (it’s your turn) Extension activity: Look at the lists of English animals with their Spanish translation. Write the down cognates

10 A ti te toca (it’s your turn)
Tarea: Online Cognate search- Think of an area of interest for you and find 10 cognates relating to it (animals, food, travel, history, sports, etc);  Be ready for Alphabet quiz on WED!

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