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Prepared by Anita Kharel First year (sec B) 2014/7/15

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1 Prepared by Anita Kharel First year (sec B) 2014/7/15
Role of Civil Society Prepared by Anita Kharel First year (sec B) 2014/7/15

2 Concept of Civil Society
Civil Society is the entire range of organized groups and institution that are independent of the state, voluntary and at least to some extent self generating and self reliant. Civil Society of course includes non governmental organizations like Mass media, universities and social and religious group. Civil Society is a common forum which raises the voice by discussing on citizen’s concerns and issue. Civil Society helps to continue promoting alternative s for social change. The most important thing is that civil society is not to gain power and forum of government.

3 Role of Civil Society As we know that civil society are those group that are independent of the state and are self generating and self reliant has some important role and functions. They are To limit and control the power of state. The main purpose is to promote democracy, rule of law, transparency and accountability. At the present time civil society organizations at the present is to empower the people of the back warded places.

4 Civil society Ethnic, religious and communal institutions;
Commercial associations; Interest groups representing workers, professionals, pensioners and others; Informational and educational entities that disseminate knowledge and information; Issue-oriented groups that promote environmental, human rights and other causes; Developmental organizations that work to improve the quality of life of the community; and Non-partisan civic groups that work to make the political and economic system more accountable and transparent.

5 Democracy, Political Parties and civil society
The relation of the civil society is very proportional with democracy and political parties. The growing field of democracy promotion now includes political parties and civil society. The area of work have been proliferated accordingly to include support for political parties and mass media(civil society). Democratic development can support political parties and meaningful political party contestation at the same time as we aid the work of civic group that address broad societal issues in a nonpartisan manner. Democracy requires the presence of civil society. Here if any political party go beyond democratic policy then civil society can work to stop it.

6 cont’d Civil society groups can represent specific needs and interests, but they cannot translate their actions into national decisions, nor can they make the trade-offs and compromises necessary to assemble broad coalitions that can produce a governing majority. Civil society can initiate a democratic transition; but only parties, with the help of civil society, can consolidate a democratic system and institutionalize a democratic political process.

7 cont’d The elimination of civil society can result for rampant corruption. Civil Society groups may establish ties political parties and the state, but they retain their independence, and they do not seek political power for themselves. The restoration of civil society and democracy must, therefore, always be accompanied by accountability whatever form it may take in light of the future goals of each society. .

8 cont’d Democracy cannot exist without civil society, and civil society cannot exist without a population that has the will and capacity to act in defense of its values and institutions. Education is indispensable and allows a citizenry the capacity to develop civil society and to act in defense of its values and institutions.

9 Universal Declaration of Democracy
While the existence of an active civil society is an essential element of democracy, the capacity and willingness of individuals to participate in democratic processes and make governance choices cannot be taken for granted. Art. 18/UDD Thus, in democracy, civil society as well as individuals should be allowed to participate in democratic process and public as well as individual choices.

10 Criticism to Civil Society
According to some critics there are some drawbacks of civil society. They are In some of the cases civil society have to correct themselves to maintain the core value of civil society. Working in the civil society sometimes work as the politician which is the big problem of civil society. Sometimes civil society are involved in the wrong activities and go against government it is also one of the draw backs.

11 Thank You!!! Any Queries????

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