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AP English Language and Composition

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1 AP English Language and Composition
Ralph Waldo Emerson AP English Language and Composition

2 Emerson’s Legacy ( ) American essayist, lecturer, and poet who led the Transcendentalist movement Seen as a champion of individualism and a critic of the countervailing pressures of society Disseminated his thoughts through dozens of published essays and more than 1,500 public lectures across the U.S.

3 Most Notable Works Moved away from the religious and social beliefs of his contemporaries, formulating and expressing the philosophy of Transcendentalism in his 1836 essay “Nature” Following this groundbreaking work, he gave a speech entitled "The American Scholar" in 1837, which some considered to be America's “intellectual Declaration of Independence” Other well-known essays include “Self- Reliance” and “The Over-Soul”

4 Timeline of Emerson’s Life
Born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1803 Son of a Unitarian minister Formal schooling began at the Boston Latin School in 1812, when he was 9 At14, Emerson went to Harvard College Did not stand out as a student; graduated in the exact middle of his class of 59 students

5 Timeline of Emerson’s Life
Made early living as a schoolmaster before attending Harvard Divinity School Married first wife, Ellen. She dies two years later (at age of 20) from TB Becomes a junior pastor at a Boston church from Tours Europe in 1833 Returns to U.S. and moves in with step- grandfather at The Old Manse (Concord, MA)*

6 Timeline of Emerson’s Life
Budding Lyceum movement in 19th century – sees career as a lecturer First lecture becomes basis for his famous essay, “Nature” Proposes marriage to second wife, Lydia Creates the “Transcendental club” (includes women) Befriends Thoreau in 1837; becomes an intellectual mentor and friend Has successful career as a lecturer; enables him to buy property on Walden Pond (11 acres)

7 Timeline of Emerson’s Life
Believed in “personal freedom” for every man, leading him to befriend abolitionists Speaks out against slavery in later life Endorses Whitman’s Leaves of Grass Delivers eulogy at Thoreau’s funeral Dies of pneumonia in 1882 Buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery (Concord, MA)

8 The Old Manse

9 Wrote “Nature” Here

10 Concord, MA

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