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Growing New Audiences Marc Jaffrey November 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Growing New Audiences Marc Jaffrey November 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growing New Audiences Marc Jaffrey November 2010

2 We don’t buy products…

3 …we buy what those products do

4 Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 1066MHz frontside bus, 4GB Memory, All-Flash storage, GeForce 340Mgraphics…

5 …the thinnest laptop in the world

6 …buy-in shaped by quality of human interaction

7 Growing New Audiences Marc Jaffrey November 2010

8 Effective communications

9 A library…

10 …full of librarians!

11 Growing New Audiences Marc Jaffrey November 2010

12 Space Hop

13 Trust

14 Listening

15 Authenticity

16 A campaign

17 Music Manifesto To provide every child first access
To provide more opportunities to deepen skills To identify and nurture most talented To develop a world class workforce To improve support structures

18 Why a Music Manifesto? Quality ofteaching a postcode lottery
Music not a priority for government and schools Only8% of school children learning an instrument Most therapeutic musical experiences were marginal to the majority children most in need music education sector was remotefrom wider children service and education policy

19 Identify your audiences
Who are they? What do they want? How will insight influence workforce and priorities? Who else do you need to influence

20 Workforce What do you have to offer?
Need interpersonal and communication skills What are your values and beliefs? What are your behaviors? Are you ready for change? Previous title - change is coming ‘’Whether you want it, whether we like it, whether it is fair or unfair’’ It is upon us. We will explore what this might mean. By lunch time you will feel some fear and anxiety and some hope and expectation of yourselves, your team and the FMS Whatever you do – you need to act in response to the political situation. You need to take action .

21 What’s your message? One clear message Drives common purpose
Authentic and informed by audiences and expertise of workforce

22 Queen Elizabeth’s Community College

23 Change is here

24 Communicate to survive
You need to be better promoted and understood Your achievements must be recognised Tell your story better

25 Unlock your stories

26 What’s your message? The British Red Cross helps people in crisis… whoever and wherever they are

27 Growing New Audiences Marc Jaffrey November 2010

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