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CC2650 RF Min-ju Kang RTLAB.

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Presentation on theme: "CC2650 RF Min-ju Kang RTLAB."— Presentation transcript:

1 CC2650 RF Min-ju Kang RTLAB

2 Contents Introduction Application BLE Protocol Stack
Packet Error Rate Test Further Work

3 CC2650 Platform Main CPU : ARM Cortex-M3 processor
handles Application layer and Protocol stacks. Radio Core : ARM Cortex-M0 processor handles all the low-level radio control and processing about PHY, Link layer.

4 Software Architecture
CC2650 BLE RTOS Application Image Stack Image

5 Software Architecture

6 Application

7 Sample Project Build Application Build Stack Run -> Debug Stack
Run -> Debug Application If Stack Project Not Modified, the only steps are 1 -> 3.

8 Main() Priority Task 5 BLE Protocol Stack task 3
GapRole task (peripheral role) 1 Application task (SimpleBLEPeripheral)

9 Icall Service BLE Protocol Stack Service Primitive Service
Application <-> Stack Enable independent updating of application / stack Primitive Service Messaging and Thread Synchronization Heap Allocation / Management

10 Prior to Icall At Stack, enroll Icall At App, register with Icall
(in OSAL_ICallBle.c) At Stack, enroll Icall At App, register with Icall (in simpleBLEPeripheral.c)

11 Icall Functionality Icall Initialization and Registration
(in simpleBLEPeripheral.c) Icall Initialization and Registration Icall Thread synchronization Semaphore is signaled by two conditions. (enqueueMsg or Icall_signal) (in simpleBLEPeripheral.c)

12 Icall Usage 1. Inter-task Messages (in simpleBLEPeripheral.c)

13 Icall Usage 2. Inter-Task Events (in peripheral.c)

14 Icall Usage 3. Messages Posted to the Application Task’s RTOS Queue
Callback Func (in simpleBLEPeripheral.c)

15 Icall Usage 4. Event Signaled Via the Internal Event Variable

16 Icall Usage 5. Callback The actual callback
The function to process in the application context Popped from queue

17 BLE Protocol Stack CC25xx -> CC26xx

18 GAP Connection Functionality Directly Call GAP API
Device discovery, link establishment, link termination Initiation of security features, and device configuration Directly Call GAP API (in simpleBLEPeripheral.c)

19 GAPRole Task – Peripheral role
1. Initialize GAPRole parameters 2. Initialize the GAPRole task

20 GAPRole Task – Peripheral role
Send GAPRole commands as desired from the application APP -> Stack ICall

21 GAPRole Task – Peripheral role
Process most of the GAP-related events passed to Application from Stack Stack -> APP ICall GAPRole Application

22 Packet Error Test

23 Packet Error Test RF Protocol : BLE Channel : 37 (2402MHz)
Packets : 1000 Packets/s : 10 TX Power : 5dBm Rx Tx

24 Packet Error Test

25 Further Work Zigbee Stack with ICall BLE & Zigbee

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