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INTRODUCTION: Tim Discussion predicated on multiple years of Engagement with the Principal Pipeline Initiative This webinar highlights several collaborations.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION: Tim Discussion predicated on multiple years of Engagement with the Principal Pipeline Initiative This webinar highlights several collaborations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging with States to Inform Principal and Supervisor Preparation August 17, 2016, 1:00 p.m. EDT

2 INTRODUCTION: Tim Discussion predicated on multiple years of Engagement with the Principal Pipeline Initiative This webinar highlights several collaborations across the country raising state policymaker awareness of and support for initiatives to prepare principals and their supervisors. The webinar includes an overview of the new Professional Standards for Educational Leaders and the corresponding standards for the National Educational Leadership Programs (NELP).

3 An AACTE-Wallace Foundation Communications Initiative
Introduction: Tim Finklea, AACTE Director for Member Engagement and Support Moderator: Michelle Young, Professor at University of Virginia and Executive Director of UCEA– Matthew Smith– Executive Director of Learning Activities and Student Services, Des Moines Public Schools David Hill, Division Director, Professional Standards Commission, State of Georgia Jacquelyn Wilson– Assistant Professor, School of Education, University of Delaware Kimberly Williams–Legislator, State of Delaware Closing: Angela M. Sewall, Emerita Dean and Professor

4 Building Community Around the Initiatives
How do you share the knowledge and practice ideas gained from the grant activities… with partners in higher education? with the State Department of Education/Standards Board? with legislators? What continuous improvement mechanisms are in place? Have they been developed jointly in partnership? How do you ensure that other constituencies are kept in the loop regarding the work? David (1) and Matt Question (2)

5 Within the Wallace framework, how have you moved the agenda to engage and inform other educators and citizens who are not part of the PPL and Supervisor initiatives? Have you begun a discussion with regard to the new standards (PSEL and NELP*) and their impact on your work and the work of the state? * PSEL-Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (Performance) * NELP-National Educational Leadership Programs (Preparation). (These have yet to be adopted) Jackie Wilson/Michelle talk about it – David will talk about standards board perspective. Jackie: Communication: Keeping Policy Leaders informed about work that is going on across the country that is having an impact on leader practice is very important. This is accomplished by participation on state level advisory committees, scheduling meetings with key policy leaders to share information, talking with legislators who serve on education committees and using social media such as twitter, facebook, and websites to keep stakeholders informed. Kim: Share how you keep informed on Key issues –examples such as attending state or district board meetings. Meeting with policy leaders, serving on state advisory committees, doing research on current topics related to leader preparation or working conditions for school leaders Adoption by State: The Delaware Professional Standards Board is responsible for the review and approval of regulations regarding Professional Standards for School Leaders. They make a recommendation and the recommendation is then moved forward to the SBE. I was invited to meet with both the PSB and SBE in February to discuss the new PSEL 2015 as they are being considered for adoption as DE Professional Standards for Educational Leadership. Regulation 1595 was approved in March 2016 and the PSEL standards were approved as DE’s Professional Standards for School Leaders Impact: DE’s Performance Evaluation System and Professional Development will need to realigned to PSEL 15 (it is aligned to ISLLC 2008) The Delaware Academy for School Leadership will be working with the Delaware Association for School Administrators and the DOE to make necessary changes. University Prep Program and all alternative programs for principal preparation will need to be aligned to the NELP (Once approved)) or PSEl STANDARDS. For example the University of DE has an alternative principal prep program titled UDEL PPP which is aligned to ISLLC This year we will be meeting with a work group to make changes to the program based on PSEL 15 in preparation for our new program application for DOE

6 With whom have you had conversations regarding the UPPI report and the changes in leadership preparation suggested in the report? How have these conversations aided in the development or deeper partnerships? Have you made any changes related to these conversations related to your principal preparation programs? Has the state engaged in discussion with the Higher Educational Institutions and districts regarding the implications of these standards and consequent actions to be taken? Kimberly, Jackie, Matthew, David Jackie: Partnerships: As the Director of the Delaware Academy for School Leadership I meet regularly with the 19 De superintendents and HR directors on national issues related to school leadership. I provide them copies of reports and current research such as the UPPI report. Program Changes: The University of DE has an alternative certification program for principal preparation that was designed and is managed by the Delaware Academy for School Leadership. The program was designed using the Quality Measures rubric to assure quality in both content and clinical practice. We also revveiw the UPPI report and will continue to make changes to the program when we apply for renewal in We are strengthening our partnerships with school districts and charter schools where students complete 2 district internship experiences. We are providing more guidance for mentoring principals. We have an internship coordinator who is the liaison with the district-the student-the mentor-and the university. We are in the process at revising program competencies based on the PSEL 2015 since this is not a masters program (students must already have a masters to enter) Discussion with HIE: The Delaware Academy for School Leadership (PDCE) at the University of DE will be convening a statewide advisory team that will meet 4 times a year. Membership will included policy leaders from districts, DOE, and Higher Education. The purpose of the School Leadership Advisory Committee will be to share information about school leadership preparation and professional learning opportunities and challenges. We are hopeful that this will be informative to members who will also communicate with their constituencies so that more informed decision making takes place regarding these important decisions. Kim: Discuss your role as a DE legislator regarding DE’s new legislation 1595 that provides higher standards for leader preparation and holding universities and alternative programs accountable for graduate performance once they are hired. We have a scorecard that provides the university or alternative program with feedback on their performance and informs districts and the public

7 Final Thoughts The work (PPI) has focused on large, diverse urban districts, to this point. What advice would you give the following: Higher Education faculty working with smaller districts Administrators in small, rural districts States with rural populations Evidence of student learning – not just standards and report implementation need for not going to extremes and keeping a balance. Jackie: WE are revising competencies in the UDEL PPP program so they align with PSEL 15. Currently competencies align to ISLLC 2008 and to DE’s Performance Appraisal System for Principals. Our program is taught by higher education faculty and practitioners and we have both urban, rural and suburban partnership districts as partners. We are very aware of the need to work with small rural districts. DE has many of these districts. WE find it helpful to bring them together by county (DE has 3 counties) and this works well. WE encourage them to consolidate resources and to bring their aspiring candidates together for professional learning. DASL often provides the structures and facilitates the convenings. WE have three programs: ASPIRE (teacher leaders to AP), STEP-UP (Developing AP’s 1 & 2, and Executive Leadership (developing Assistant Supts & Supts) as well as the UDEL PPP.

8 Future Webinars Three national webinars are scheduled for this fall in regard to the Principal Pipeline Initiative and concomitant initiatives. Four regional webinars will also be offered to facilitate discussion, communication, and support for principals, principal supervisors, higher educators engaged in principal preparation and school improvement across the country. This is part of the AACTE-Wallace Communication partnership.

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