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Objective: To determine the precision of a measurement

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1 Objective: To determine the precision of a measurement. 3.12.3
What operation does the + indicate? Class Notes Measurement Sec 1.1 Example 1: The distance between two studs in a house frame must be 18 inches + ½ inch. If the boards are inches apart would the house pass inspection? What would be the closest the two boards could be together? What would be the farthest apart the two boards could be?

2 If the slats are 9.73 cm apart, is the crib in compliance?
Example 2: The slats on a babies cribs must be 9.5 cm apart cm. If the slats are 9.73 cm apart, is the crib in compliance? How close together can they be and still pass inspection? How far apart can they be and still pass inspection?

3 Example 3: A 4 ½ nail must be accurate within
+ one third inch. If a nail is 4 and two-fifths inches, Will it meet the requirement?

4 4. Example 4: A 4 inch nail can actually be plus
or minus ¼ inch. Which measurement(s) below would still be classified as a 4 inch nail? a. 3 2/5 b. 3 ¾ c. 3 ½ d. 3 2/3 e. 4 1/5 f. 4 ¾ g. 4 1/3 h. 4 2/3

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