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Presentation on theme: "SACRAMENTO COUNTY SAFE SLEEP BABY PARENT WORKSHOP"— Presentation transcript:

Introduce yourself: Give your title and any relevant background information about your experience/education in caring for infants and putting them to sleep. Review Housekeeping: Restrooms, breaks, training manuals, sign-in sheet, vending machine in the hall, and quiet in the halls, cell phones off/on vibrate, etc. (make sure everyone has signed the sign-in sheet) Say: Here are the ABC’s for our Group Learning for the day: A-Accept differences of opinions B-Bring your full self here (thoughts, feelings, experiences) C-Communication (One person speak at a time, active listening) & Confidentiality…. D-Discuss & participate E-Evaluations at the end…all constructive comments are welcome! F-Fun! Icebreaker: Ask the participants to take a minute to write down the age of your baby (if pregnant, when are you due), the best and worst parenting advice you have received so far. Say: Sometimes we receive parenting advice from family, friends and even doctors that we really find helpful and some that we don’t agree with. As parents it is important to consider the source of information and if we are not comfortable with a piece of advice or are not sure about it, it is our responsibility to get more information and consult reliable resources. Sometimes I have seen some very useful parenting advice and some unsafe advice from online sources. So just check who wrote an article or who is giving the advice.” Put Your Baby’s Safety First

Pass out the Pre-test and give everyone a few minutes to complete it. Pre-Questionnaire Pass out the Pre-questionnaire and give everyone a few minutes to complete it. Remind them to put their initials in the box in the upper right-hand corner. Collect the Pre-tests. Please take a few minutes to complete the pre-workshop survey and Questionnaire A.

3 What are Infant Sleep-Related Deaths?
Death of a baby under age of one who dies while sleeping. Read Slide. Trainer Tip: If participants have any questions, explain that there are different classifications (i.e. SIDS, SUIDS, suffocation). Explain that the majority of deaths have an environmental risk factor. That is to say that there are things we can do to make sleep environments safer for babies.

4 Babies are dying while sleeping A Quick and Silent Killer
In Sacramento County: Every other week a baby dies while sleeping Nearly all babies are found in unsafe sleep conditions Leading cause of death for babies one month to one year of age Occur in all socio-economic, racial and ethnic groups However, half are African American babies Read Slide. Trainer Tip: The last bullet point might cause participants to respond in anger or disbelief. Remind them that this is data that has been collected from Sacramento County death certificates and ethnicity is reported by the parent/caregiver of the child. This is why we are doing this education campaign.

5 Why are babies dying while sleeping?
92% of all sleep-related deaths of babies had at least one known unsafe sleep condition: In Sacramento County, this is what we know from death certificates… 82%-were NOT in a crib or bassinet 52%-Co-sleeping 42%- Had a crib in the home BUT AT THE TIME OF DEATH THE BABY WAS NOT IN THE CRIB 35%- Sleeping on their stomach or side 8% - Caregivers were using drugs or alcohol at the time of death (this is important because many people think this only happens to people who are drinking and doing drugs. An infant sleep-related death can happen to anyone!) Say: These numbers, and the fact that sleep-related deaths of babies are the leading cause of death for child 1 month to 1 year, is alarming. So to get advice from the community, we held focus groups to ask 150 parents and caregivers in Sacramento County some questions. (Turn to next slide)

6 Sacramento County Safe Sleep Baby Education Campaign
Created for parents, grandparents and other caregivers BY parents and health professionals Consistent Universal Message for ALL Discussion Share the consequences Use Sacramento County Residents Say: “Since Infant Sleep-related deaths continue to be a concern, especially in the African American community, we conducted a series of focus groups throughout Sacramento. The goal was to get information and input from the community to revise the current educational campaign and materials. We spoke to 150 community members and 250 providers and health professionals. This is what we heard…” Say: “Since you are being trained on this topic, you can provide this at every opportunity, even during non-crisis contacts. “We want services and information! But we only get it when something bad has happened or we are in trouble.”

7 6 Steps to Safe Sleep Baby ALONE BACK CRIB
Say: In the 1990s, the American Academy of Pediatrics did research to try to determine why infants were dying in their sleep. Research showed that infants who were put on their back to sleep have a higher risk of dying from a sleep-related death. The national education campaign suggested that parents/caregivers put their baby on their back to sleep. Infant sleep-related deaths decreased by 50%. However, infant sleep-related deaths continue to be a concern. The American Academy of Pediatrics conducted more research. They found some other safe sleep practices for baby. The 6 steps to SAFE SLEEP BABY should be used for every sleep for infants up to 1 year of age. Read through the steps and state that you will be going into more detail for each. Say: As we discuss the recent research, you might find that you practiced some of the identified “risky behaviors.” This training is not intended to judge anyone or tell you how to parent. We know that there are cultural and ethnic practices that people follow, and that is great! We encourage families to continue their family traditions. However, there are some practices that we now know may not be safe. i.e. Seat belts, Car seats, etc. Trainer Tip: Re-iterate that you are not there to judge them, or to tell them how to parent. These are recommendations from pediatricians.

8 Sleep me Alone Step to Safe Sleep Baby
Sleep your baby by him or herself in a crib, portable crib or bassinet Do not sleep with your baby Do not let your baby sleep with other adults or children Room-share, not bed-share Say: So let’s take a look in more detail at how we can reduce the risk of Infant Sleep-Related Deaths. Let’s look at Step 1 to safe sleep baby: Say: “Step 1 is Sleep me Alone” Ask the participants: What does it mean for the baby to be alone? (Possible Answers: They can room share, but not bed-share) (Click) Read slide.

9 Always put your baby to sleep on his or her back for EVERY sleep
Step to Safe Sleep Baby Sleep me on my BACK Say: “Step 2 is Sleep me on my back” Cribs and bassinets are the safest places for babies to sleep – as long as you keep them safe! Always put your baby to sleep on his or her back for EVERY sleep

10 Step to Safe Sleep Baby Doctors now know “Back to Sleep” will NOT increase a baby’s risk of choking. Say: Back to sleep always, for every sleep. According to doctors, “back sleeping” will not increase a baby’s risk of choking. Many of our own mothers and grandmothers were taught to put a baby on their tummy to sleep — so you’ll need to gently remind them that to prevent infant sleep-related deaths, it’s “back to sleep.” Explanation of Picture: An infant cannot choke to death, or “aspirate” when laying on his/her back. That would require spit-up going from the stomach, up the esophagus, into the trachea, and down into the lungs to prevent the lungs from getting oxygen. When an infant is lying on his/her back, if s/he does “spit-up,” the food will come up the esophagus, and pool in the back of his/her throat. The infant might get fussy, and when you pick him/her up, they will most-likely spit up when you pick them up. But, based on the way our bodies are constructed, it is more likely that an infant could aspirate, or choke to death, when he/she is laying on his/her stomach. Trainer tip: Esophagus=food tube, from mouth to stomach Trachea= breathing tube from nose and mouth to the lungs Aspirate=food or liquid going in to the trachea and settling in the lungs, blocking oxygen

11 Sleep me in a CRIB Step to Safe Sleep Baby
Cribs and bassinets are the safest places for your baby to sleep! Use your CRIB or bassinet to sleep your baby for all naps and at night Return your baby to sleep his or her crib after feeding or soothing Room-share NOT bed-share Say: “Step 3 is Sleep me in a crib” Use your CRIB or bassinet to sleep your baby. Use your crib or bassinet for naps and night. Do not place babies to sleep in car seats, swings, and infant carriers. Firm crib mattresses are the safest places for babies to sleep. Devices such as car seats, strollers, swings, infant carriers and slings are NOT recommended for routine sleep. If infants fall asleep in these devices, they should be put in their crib to sleep.

12 Step to Safe Sleep Baby Use a firm crib mattress with a tightly fitted sheet Today’s adult beds are soft and can cause your baby to suffocate Do not place your baby to sleep in an adult bed, couch, car seat or chair. Say: Make sure that the crib mattress is firm and fits snuggly with no space between the mattress and the side of the crib, where the baby could become trapped. Unlike firm crib mattresses, today’s adult beds are soft and can cause babies to suffocate. To make breastfeeding easier keep a crib or bassinet next to your bed and always put your baby back to sleep afterwards.

13 Nothing in my sleep area
Step to Safe Sleep Baby Nothing in my sleep area No pillows, blankets or bumpers No toys, stuffed animals or other soft things Step 4 is “Nothing in my sleep area” Ask: What does this mean? And why do you think this is important? Say: Cribs should be free of pillows, bumpers, stuffed toys, extra blankets or anything that could accidentally cover your babies face and suffocate them. Even younger babies, who can’t roll on purpose, can manage to roll closer to stuffed animals, etc. And while older babies have the muscle strength, they may be in a deep sleep and not awaken.

14 Do not overdress me Step to Safe Sleep Baby
Do not overdress baby when sleeping No more than 1 layer more than an adult would wear to be comfortable Evaluate the infant for signs of overheating Covering of the face and head No Swaddling Say: Step 5 Do Not Overdress me. Make sure to not overdress baby when sleeping. Typically if you are comfortable, your baby is comfortable. Ask: Sometimes we need to save energy an d don’t want to turn on the heater. But what are some alternatives to hats, hand mittens, blankets, etc.? (Click) Sleep Sacks are safe ways to keep baby warm during cold weather. There are different fabrics for cold fall and winter weather.

15 Remember: Put your baby’s safety first
Step to Safe Sleep Baby No smoking anything around me Create a Smoke-Free Home and Car If parent does smoke: Go outside and away from baby “Smoking Jacket” Wash Hands after smoking Wait 15 minutes, if possible Say: Step 6 No smoking anything around me. Say: Another unsafe sleep environment is one with second-hand smoke. Second hand smoke decreases the amount of oxygen around the baby, which can be dangerous and unhealthy for the baby, especially during sleep. Remember: Put your baby’s safety first

16 Do Tummy Time when baby is awake and supervised.
Other Safe Sleep Tips Breastfeed baby Use a clean, dry pacifier Breastfeeding – Breastfeeding has been found to be a protective factor. However, it is still important to remember to put baby back to sleep… Alone Back Crib ALWAYS Do Tummy Time when baby is awake and supervised.

17 Safe Sleep Baby Message?
How will you Spread the Safe Sleep Baby Message? Dads Moms Grandparents Neighbors Boyfriends Say: You are an expert now! It is important you talk to everyone who cares for baby! Sometimes grandparents, aunts/uncles, friends and even siblings put babies to sleep. It is important that EVERYONE understands the safest ways to sleep baby. Ask: How will you spread the word? Who else puts your baby to sleep? Babysitters Family Girlfriends Friends

18 Common Concerns Parents Have about Safe Sleep Baby
Your neighbor says “I feel more comfortable sleeping with my baby so I know he/she is okay.” Your sister/brother says “My baby cries and won’t sleep in his/her crib.” Your parents tell you “We put you and your siblings on your stomach to sleep. You all are okay.” Your friend says “I am breastfeeding and it is easier to put the baby next to me in bed.” Say: Here are some common concerns parents have about putting their baby to sleep. The most important thing is to put the safety of your baby first. Let’s look at some of these concerns: Read each question one at a time and ask: Based on the information you have learned today, how would you address this concern? Over 70% of infant sleep-related deaths in Sacramento happen when babies sleep with an adult or with other children. Babies are more likely to die from a sleep-related death when they sleep with an adult or in an adult bed. Remember your baby's safety first. The baby's comfort is important, but safety is more important. Some babies don't like sleeping on their backs at first, but most get used to it quickly. The earlier you start placing your baby on his or her back to sleep, the more quickly your baby will adjust to the position. We now know more about why babies die while sleeping. Most of us slept on our stomachs—and we survived. But many babies didn't. There is no way to know which babies will die while sleeping, but we do know how to reduce the risk. Remember—share a room, not a bed. Put your baby’s crib next to your bed so that you can easily pick him or her up for feedings during the night then return him or her to crib for sleep. Handout: “Frequently Asked Questions” Say: This handout answers some more questions that people have.

19 Safe Sleep Baby Video Say: This video can be emotional, so please feel free leave the room if you need to. Show DVD/hyperlink in the slide (7 min) After the video: What did you all think of the video? Did anything stand out to you? Do not click the slide forward yet! Activity: Myth or Fact Activity Go over the Myth or Fact Activity? Ask the question and have participants give a thumbs up if they think it is fact or a thumbs down if they think it is a myth.

20 Please take a few minutes to complete Questionnaire B.

21 Let’s talk about the Questionnaires Questions?
Go over the correct answers for the post-survey.

22 Sacramento County Birth & Beyond Resource Centers
La Familia Counseling Center th Street Sacramento, CA (916) North Sacramento Family Resource Center 1217 Del Paso Blvd. Sacramento, CA (916) Folsom Cordova Community Partnership Coloma Rd., Suite 200 Rancho Cordova, CA (916) River Oak Family Resource Center th Avenue Sacramento, CA (916) The Effort Resource Center 6015 Watt Avenue, Suite 2 North Highlands, CA (916) The Firehouse - Mutual Assistance Network 810 Grand Avenue Sacramento, CA (916) Meadowview Family Resource Center 2251 Florin Road, Suite 158 Sacramento, CA (916) Valley Hi Family Resource Center 7000 Franklin Blvd., Suite 820 Sacramento, CA (916) Ask: Who is familiar with the local Family Resource Centers? Explain FRC services: Parenting workshops (like Infant Safe Sleeping, Nurturing Parenting Program), home visitation, crisis intervention services, school readiness… What other resources exist in the community for parents at risk of infant safe sleeping? Possible Answers: smoking cessation (public health), AOD, clinics for prenatal care, WIC THANK YOU! Any Questions? Arcade Community Center 2427 Marconi Avenue, Suite 203, Sacramento, CA 95821 (916)

23 Safe Sleep Baby Resources
We want every parent in Sacramento County to have a safe place to sleep their baby. If you know someone who may be interested in receiving the Safe Sleep Baby education, please call the Infant Safe Sleep Specialist For Spanish speaking workshops, please call the Bilingual Training & Technical Assistance Specialist Say: We want every parent in Sacramento County to have a safe place to sleep their baby. If you are unable to afford a crib, please contact the Infant Safe Sleep Specialist at

24 Safe Sleep Baby Thank you!! Facilitators: ASHLEY KELLY
INFANT SAFE SLEEP PROJECT SPECIALIST VICTORIA HARTMAN BILINGUAL TRAINING & TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SPECILALIST Thank you!! THANK YOU FOR SPENDING YOUR TIME WITH ME! Any Questions? Evaluations & Pledge Certificates Pass out the evaluations and give everyone a few minutes to complete it. While participants fill out the evaluation, hand out the pledge certificates. Collect the evaluations. BEFORE PARTICIPANTS LEAVE, HAVE THEM ALL READ (OUT LOUD, IN UNISON) THE PLEDGE AND HAVE THEM SIGN IT. No Harm Agreement Have participants sign the No Harm Agreement if they are receiving a Pack-N-Play. NOW YOU CAN DISTRIBUTE THE PACK-N-PLAYS TO PARTICIPANTS!


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