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Top Ten Reasons to Choose 3LCD Technology

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2 Top Ten Reasons to Choose 3LCD Technology
1. Industry Leader: 3LCD is the technology that powers the majority of all education, business, and home theater projectors worldwide. Three Chip Engine: 3LCD projectors use 3 Chips in EVERY projector for full-time color. With its 3-chip design, 3LCD delivers clear and vibrant images, so true-to-life you may not believe your eyes. 2. Market share source: PMA WW Census Report

3 Top Ten Reasons to Choose 3LCD Technology
3. 50 Million Chips: With over 50 million 3LCD chips shipped worldwide for projection, this powerful and road-tested technology is a reliable way to achieve sharp, beautiful images. High Color Light Output: All 3LCD projectors use a 3-chip design to deliver incredibly bright images with High Color Light Output. 4.

4 Top Ten Reasons to Choose 3LCD Technology
5. Less Power: 3LCD projectors efficiently use available lamp light to create stunning images. In contrast to 1-chip technology, 3LCD projects 26% more brightness per watt of electricity.1 Less Heat: Higher power consumption translates to extra heat output. In a study of comparable projectors, the 1-chip units tested output about 50% hotter exhaust than the 3LCD units tested.2 6. 1Power data source: Jan 2009 Comparison of 847 shipping models, all resolutions and brightness levels 2Heat Study: 3rd party laboratory tested 12 popular projectors from the top six 3LCD and 1-chip brands. The 6 pairs of 1-chip and 3LCD projectors were matched on resolution and lumen specifications, and represented each of the six key market segments.

5 Top Ten Reasons to Choose 3LCD Technology
7. No Spinning Color Wheel: 1-chip projectors use a Color Wheel to create color. The Color Wheel is a mechanical device that could require replacement. The Color Wheel may have a clear segment that boosts White brightness at the expense of Color. Grayscale: 3LCD technology precisely controls the amount light passing through the LCD chips producing smooth gradations that are free from banding and contour artifacts that can be displayed by 1-chip projectors. 8.

6 Top Ten Reasons to Choose 3LCD Technology
9. Filters in every projector: Filter-free does not mean maintenance free. Here are the key facts: Dust still gets on the lamp and other critical components inside filter-free projectors. Dust can reduce lamp brightness and useful lamp life in filter-free projectors. Dust can degrade image quality in filter-free projectors. No Sequential Color: 1-chip projectors use a rotating color wheel that spins at a rapid speed, only displaying colors sequentially, which can result in color break-up or the “rainbow effect”. 10.

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