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FHSD Technology Committee September 12, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "FHSD Technology Committee September 12, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 FHSD Technology Committee September 12, 2017

2 Agenda Welcome Committee Purpose Introductions
Tech Committee Resources FHSD Technology Overview Technology Plan Teacher Technology Assessment FHSD Strategic Planning

3 Tech Committee Purpose
District Strategic Committee Provide stakeholder input and recommendations

4 Introductions

5 Introductions Name Connections - Parent, employee, community member?
Why have you volunteered to be a member of the Tech Committee?

6 Tech Committee Resources Agendas Presentations Data and information

7 Technology Overview


9 Technology Overview Networking equipment: 2 firewall systems
420 network switches and routers 2 wireless controllers and over 1,320 wireless points 10 district servers 2052 telephone handsets Software programs and databases: 22 district wide systems

10 Technology Overview End-user devices:
14,600 desktops, laptops, and tablets 12,000 dedicated as student devices Device to student ratio in the district of 1:1.6 Multimedia systems: Projectors 1,151 Smartboards 1,076

11 Technology Infographic

12 Technology Plan

13 Technology Plan Goals and Objectives for 2017-2018:
Promote digital citizenship – Common Sense Media Enhance and promote BYOT initiative Support Hour of Code Provide professional development (PD) information and opportunities via the Hotwire and SAW Enhance the annual TeachFest teacher PD Re-establish the device refresh cycle Provice additional PD opporunities for district technicians

14 Teacher Tech Assessment

15 FHSD Strategic Planning

16 FHSD Strategic Planning Community Events
Sept 28 – FH High – 7:00 to 9:00 pm Oct 3 – FH North – 7:00 to 9:00 pm Oct 4 – FH Central – 6:30 to 8:30 pm

17 Student to Device Comparison
# Students per Devices (K-12) This chart shows a student to device ratio comparison of our comparative districts. This slide compares the student to device ratio of the districts. If a district had device for every student, then they would be shown on the cart as 1 with a ratio 1:1. FHSD is represented by the green bar which indicates the District has a student to device ratio of one device per 1.6 students or a ratio of 1:1.6. On this chart the lower number a district has means the more devices a district has available for students. Ie. Orchard Farm has the most devices available per student amongst these comparison districts. As this bar chart indicates, FHSD ranks in the middle of the pack. All student devices are included in these numbers regardless of age which some devices are new and some might be seven plus years old.

18 IT Spending Per Student
IT Spending Per K-12 Student Here we see comparison data on what districts spends on technology per student. As you can see OFSD and St. Charles City Schools are on the higher end of the spectrum; meaning they spend the most on technology per student. FHSD is indicated by the green bar and is second lowest in terms of technology spending per student of the districts represented.

19 Technology Operating Budget History
Here we see an illustration the 6-year history of the FHSD Technology Operating budget. You can see a three year upward trend starting in FY13, as the need and integration of technology in our district, schools, and classrooms was becoming more prevalent. In FY16, there was a dramatic decrease in the Technology budget as technology spending was affected by the District budget cuts and reductions. The cuts put the District device refresh cycle on hold for two years. Without updating computers and devices for two years, schools and students have had to use an aging fleet computers and technology. Then over last two years the Technology budget has had slight increases. Yet the Technology budget is just now getting back to the levels we were at five years ago. The device refresh cycle has been reinstituted this school year, yet we will be playing catch up from the past two years due to the cuts and reductions.

20 Tech Committee Meetings 2017-2018
Meetings will be in the Admin Board Room 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm September 12 November 8 December 12 January 9 February 6 March 13 April 10 Strategic Planning Community Events: Sept 28, Oct 3 & 4 Tech Committee Meetings

21 Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: Presentation template by SlidesCarnival Photographs by Unsplash

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