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The Ways of the Wicked Psalm 140.

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1 The Ways of the Wicked Psalm 140

2 About the Psalm A psalm of David Assigned to “the Chief Musician”
Possibly a continuation from the Psalm 139 A psalm of deliverance – probably during a troubling time in David’s life (fleeing Saul or fleeing Absalom) An imprecatory psalm

3 The Ways of the Wicked (1-5)
Deliver me, preserve me, keep me – David needs the LORD’s help (1, 4) Deliver, watch over and protect From evil and violent men – these are not just indifferent and ungodly – they are evil (1) violent (1, 4) – malicious & active wicked (4) –godless and base

4 The Ways of the Wicked (1-5)
Violent men (1, 4) One who wants to damage you and stop you in your quest (e.g. your faith) Sadly, we are living in similar times – 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13; Romans 1:28-32 (30) - violent

5 The Ways of the Wicked (1-5)
They are described as: They plan evil things in their heart Proverbs 13:2, 10:6 They continually gather together for war (Ephesians 6:10-17) They sharpen their tongues (James 3:6-8) They have purposed to make my steps stumble, the proud have set a trap - Daniel 6:4-5, Matthew 22:17

6 A plea for deliverance (6-11)
“You are my God” (6) a source of deliverance. He is in control (Hebrews 13:6) Hear my supplication (6) – an intense prayer of request (Philippians 4:6, Ephesians 6:18) The strength of my salvation (7) – only in Him will salvation (deliverance) come – Romans 8:31, 37

7 A plea for deliverance (6-11)
You have covered me (7) He is our shelter – Psalm 61:3-4 He is our helmet – Ephesians 6:17, 1 Thessalonians 5:8 Remember David as he faced Goliath – 1 Samuel (Goliath’s helmet), (Saul’s helmet too big), David came “in the name of the LORD” 45-47 David KNOWs that God can protect him!

8 A plea for deliverance (6-11)
Do not grant the desires of the wicked (8) - Imprecatory A request that God defeat his enemies – he wants them stopped! Schemes of the wicked – defeat their purpose Let the evil of their lips cover them – defeat their cursing (cf. 1 Peter 3:16)

9 A plea for deliverance (6-11)
Do not grant the desires of the wicked (8) - Imprecatory Let them be cast into the fire – never to rise again Let the slanderer NOT be established on earth Let evil hunt and overthrow them

10 A plea for deliverance (6-11)
NOTE: Be reminded. In such requests, you should NOT act or pray with hatred about others! You love and pray for your enemies (Matthew 5:43-48) Leave it in God’s hands (Romans 12:17-21) When we pray for the defeat of the ungodly, is it selfish, or a desire to see God’s goodness prevail and to stop evil ways?

11 Faith (12-13) The LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted – David KNOWS God is in control and will prevail on behalf of His own He will accomplish His purpose (Romans 8:28) Justice will come to the poor – maybe not in this life, but God knows! (1 John 2:15-17, Matthew 6:19-21)

12 Faith (12-13) The righteous will give thanks to His name – those right with God will ALWAYS acknowledge Him! With thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6) The upright will dwell in His presence – this is our goal! (John 14:23) Even in this life – if we keep His word, He will make His home with us (John 14:23, Matthew 5:8)

13 Do we turn to him and trust him in our times of trouble?

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