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Problem How would you design a building with features that could withstand an earthquake?

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Presentation on theme: "Problem How would you design a building with features that could withstand an earthquake?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Problem How would you design a building with features that could withstand an earthquake?

2 Earthquake Construction
Decide on the details about your earthquake. number of shakes magnitude direction of shakes

3 Earthquake Construction
Decide on the details about your earthquake. kind of seismic waves the shakes will represent

4 Earthquake Construction
materials unsuitable (rigid) suitable (flexible)

5 earthquake- resistant vs. earthquake- proof

6 Materials foam base (20 cm x 25 cm) large marshmallows
fettuccine noodles

7 Hypothesis is a statement is testable has specific conditions

8 Assignment Complete Activity Manual p. 9.

9 Hypothesis is a statement is testable has specific conditions

10 Factors in Damage strength of the structure design of the buildings
strength of the earthquake depth of the focus amount of energy released

11 Factors in Damage population of the area geological conditions

12 Assignment Complete Activity Manual p. 10.
Read Student Text pp. 14–17.

13 Causes of Volcanic Eruptions

14 crater side vent lava vent BJU PressArt Science 6, p. 14 magma chamber

15 Causes of Eruptions crack in the earth’s crust
many cracks around the Ring of Fire

16 Ring of Fire BJU PressArt Science 6, p. 5

17 Classifying Volcanoes

18 Classifying Volcanoes
shape how often they erupt type of eruption

19 Shield Volcano Shield volcano: BJUPress Art, Science 6 textbook, p. 16

20 Cinder Cone Volcano Cinder cone volcano: BJUPress Art, Science 6 textbook, p. 16

21 Composite Cone Volcano
Composite cone volcano: BJUPress Art, Science 6 textbook, p. 16

22 Shield Composite Cone Cinder Cone
Shield volcano: BJUPress Art, Science 6 textbook, p. 16 Cinder cone volcano: BJUPress Art, Science 6 textbook, p. 16 Composite cone volcano: BJUPress Art, Science 6 textbook, p. 16 Cinder Cone

23 How often they Erupt active dormant extinct

24 Types of Eruptions Hawaiian quiet sometimes long lasting Strombolian
Vulcanian violent

25 Types of Eruptions Pelean even more violent pyroclastic eruption
Plinian most violent

26 Draw and label a diagram of a volcano.
What is a hot spot? What are three ways to classify a volcano?

27 Assignment Complete Activity Manual pp. 11–12.
Read Student Text pp. 18–19.

28 Effects of Volcanoes

29 gases released from a volcano
vog gases released from a volcano

30 mud and rock fragments that slide down the side of a volcano
debris flow mud and rock fragments that slide down the side of a volcano

31 rock formed when magma and lava cool and harden
igneous rock rock formed when magma and lava cool and harden

32 Thermal Eruptions core slide

33 Thermal Eruptions hot spring geyser mud pot

34 Explain how a volcanic eruption can affect weather conditions.
What is igneous rock? How do volcanoes remind us that God still cares for His world?

35 What are three nonvolcanic types of eruptions?

36 Assignment Complete Activity Manual pp. 15–16.
Study for and take Quiz 1-B. Read Student Text p. 23.

37 Using Graphic Organizers

38 location causes effects volcanoes what happens classified by
This is different from old one which focused only on classifying volcanoes. This one is more general.

39 hot magma and gases break through cracks in the earth’s surface
Ring of Fire; Mediterranean anywhere; often along plate boundaries earthquakes gems location hotspots igneous rocks causes effects volcanoes weather changes what happens classified by vog hot magma and gases break through cracks in the earth’s surface

40 type of eruption location causes what happens effects earthquakes
hotspots hot magma and gases break through cracks in the earth’s surface gems anywhere; often along plate boundaries Ring of Fire; Mediterranean vog igneous rocks weather changes eruption frequency type of eruption eruption type Hawaiian shape classified by volcanoes Strombolian active extinct shield (after it moves up to show classified) This has the same topics as the old graphic organizer Vulcanian dormant cinder cone Pelean Plinian composite cone

41 location causes effects earthquakes what happens tools

42 seismic waves moving in all directions
below the earth’s surface anywhere; often along faults plates colliding volcano eruption tsunamis location causes effects volcanoes earthquakes moving much earth Mercalli scale: damage what happens tools Move on to second major topic in chapter seismograph: the earth’s movements seismic waves moving in all directions likely damage on the surface from waves Richter scale: magnitude

43 Earthquakes Both Volcanoes
Venn diagram—shows which characteristics belong to only one and which to both

44 Earthquakes Volcanoes Both can occur anywhere often occur near plate boundaries can cause damage on the earth’s surface can cause earthquakes seismic waves moving in all directions may be caused by moving earth detected by seismographs measured by Mercalli and Richter scales can occur anywhere often occur near plate boundaries can cause damage on the earth’s surface can cause each other hot magma and gases breaking through cracks in the earth’s surface classified by shape, eruption type, or eruption frequency may form near hot spots can occur anywhere often occur near plate boundaries can cause damage on the earth’s surface can cause volcanoes

45 lithosphere focus plates seismic wave plate boundary epicenter earthquake seismologist fault seismograph

46 magnitude lava tsunami Ring of Fire volcano hot spot volcanologist tephra magma chamber pyroclastic flow

47 vog mud pot debris flow igneous rock hot spring geyser

48 Assignment Study for the Chapter 1 Test.

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