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American Indian movement

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1 American Indian movement
This work is about the American Indian Movement, we were going to address the impact that this movement had on American life, the actions taken by leaders of the movement and the degree to which this movement was achieved

2 This work is about the American Indian Movement, we were going to address the impact that this movement had on American life, the actions taken by leaders of the movement and the degree to which this movement was achieved

3 AIM leader Dennis banks speaks at the foot of mount south Dakota, during a 1970s really.
AIM led nearly 200 sioux to the tiny village of wounded knee, south Dakota, where the U.S.

4 Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson both made efforts to reform the neglect and damage done to the Indian nations. On March 6, 1968, Johnson signed Executive Order 11399, establishing the National Council on Indian Opportunity (NCIO). President Johnson said “the time has come to focus our efforts on the plight of the American Indian,” and NCIO’s formation would “launch an undivided, Government-wide effort in this area.” Johnson, who knew nearly nothing of Indians, tried to connect the nation’s trust responsibility to the tribes and nations to civil rights, an area with which he was much more familiar.[

5 Early AIM protests AIM used the American press and media to present its own unvarnished message to the United States public. It did so by ensuring an event which the press would want to cover. If successful, news outlets would seek out AIM spokespersons for interviews and receive its message. Instead of relying on traditional lobbying efforts, like other activist groups, AIM sought to control its message to the American public.

6 During ceremonies on Thanksgiving Day 1970, commemorating the 350th anniversary of the Pilgrims’ landing at Plymouth Rock, AIM seized the replica of the Mayflower. In 1971, members occupied Mount Rushmore for a few days. Also in 1971 AIM first targeted the incompetence of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and briefly occupied its central headquarters.

7 In conclucion we can say that President John F
In conclucion we can say that President John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson hisieronTRENGTHENING to reform both the abandonment of the kids done to the Indian nationsEarly in protest AIM AIM uses the American press and media to present his ownmessage for the public of the United States. BY Francisco caba Manuela cruz M Anyelis Nuñez

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