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You Are Invited To Apply….

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1 You Are Invited To Apply….
Apply Today! The mission of The WASL Academy is to provide the best support, facilitation, and guidance available to leaders in our district in the development of a new generation of outstanding, transformational leaders.

2 Highlights of the Academy Include…
LEADERSHIP Understand and articulate your personal leadership story, philosophy and beliefs, strengths and vision of leadership, personal leadership strengths, and professional vision- as well as the Washoe’s vision, mission, guiding beliefs, goals, and strategies for increasing student achievement. LEADING LEARNING Understand Washoe’s teaching and learning framework and know how to conduct meaningful classroom observations and understand and demonstrate the capacity to model effective teaching and utilize master teachers as mentors and coaches for those pursuing mastery. CREATING AN ACCOUNTABLE SCHOOL Understand Washoe’s accountability and performance management system, be able to use student, adult, and school data to drive improvements in student achievement and efficiency, and develop strategies for creating a school culture of adult accountability for the achievement of all students. LEADING AND MANAGING PEOPLE Understand Washoe’s processes for recruiting, selecting, developing, assessing and retaining outstanding teachers and staff, while understanding labor relations policies, procedures, and contracts as well as exit frameworks and strategies for non-performers. MANAGING RESOURCES Understand the principal’s responsibilities related to the allocation and management of resources— while working within district parameters. BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS Gain strategies for engaging parents, families and the community in student success. Develop the political mapping and coalition-building skills required to implement changes needed for student success and be able to communicate effectively and connect with diverse constituent groups of varying races and classes, as well as the media.

3 Methods Classroom Sessions Study School Inquiry and Job Shadow
Lecture/Discussion Guest Speakers Simulation/Role Play Professional Reading Community of Practitioners Study School Inquiry and Job Shadow Coaching/Mentoring Leadership Story Entry Plan

4 Coursework Includes A combination of whole group and small group discussion, and individual reflection exercises. An on-line community of practitioners Program faculty will be a combination of district, state, national leaders who are successful practitioners. There will be pre-reading assignments for each session, as well as individual and homework projects to complete in-between sessions.

5 Session Topics Aligned to NEPF Leadership Standards
Creating and Sustaining a Focus on Learning Creating and Sustaining a Culture of Continuous Improvement Creating and Sustaining Productive Relationships Creating and Sustaining Structures Manages Human Capital Self-reflection and Professional Growth Professional Obligations Family and Community Engagement

6 On-the-Job Experiences
Assigned in teams to Study Schools Teams visit Study School sites during the cohort year for on the job study Job shadowing and Mentoring Personnel and Management Data Analysis SPP Supervision and Support

7  Leadership Story Leaders must be able to tell their story in a succinct and compelling fashion to a variety of audiences. Your story will help followers understand who you are, why you are here, and why they should follow you.

8 “Leadership is serving as a catalyst for the movement of people from where they are to a significantly better place”

9 Entry Plan Choose a study school
Develop an organizational tool to address goals, stakeholders, and actions Create your own actions/interactions; include all stakeholders, teachers, parents, community, district, city, county. 30/60/90 day plan

10 Criteria Completed or enrolled in Administrative Licensure program
Assistant principals Deans Counselors, Psychologists Full-time teacher leaders (ISs, Program Coordinators) District leaders interested in building level leadership. Full time classroom teachers are not eligible to apply.

11 Application Process District website- Department of Professional Learning- Leadership Development-WASL All application materials are due on or before May 19th at 5pm Submit all completed materials to You will receive a confirmation when your application packet is complete.

12 Questions? Alyson Kendrick Leadership Development Principal
Office: Or Bonnie Damon, Administrative Assistant


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