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The Portuguese Culture

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1 The Portuguese Culture
Erica Anacleto, Sara Hannah, Melissa Perrieira

2 Why The Portuguese Culture

3 Beliefs/practices generic to the culture
Catholic beliefs Sunday Church goers Rosary and prayers for dying Believes that love ones who passed are watching over us Our Lady of Fatima Festival Lots of visitors in Hospital, rosaries, priests Will want to receive communion in hospital

4 Views of wellness, illness, and disabilities
Illness can be helped by prayer Anxiety, guilt can cause illness No birth control Fetal abnormalities are accepted, not a reason for abortion Large body habitus sign of wellness The ill are well taken care of

5 Health seeking behavior
Local healers within Portuguese communities Word of mouth The men are stubborn, commonly wait until symptoms severe

6 Traditional healers/alternative or herbal medicine
Hair of the corn Parsley tea

7 Domestic violence Emotional and verbal abuse
Parents are traditionally physical Corporal punishment BUT still loving and supportive

8 Substance abuse ETOH Tobacco
Mostly found in males, young men start early WINE

9 Diet and/or specific dietary preferences
Killed their own pigs, chickens Sopas, sweet bread Sausage/Linguicia Bread Fish No watermelon or figs at night time

10 Family and gender roles
Common for dad to be involved in landscaping, dairy, fishing, agriculture, manual labor Moms can work but many stay at home Women are generally domesticated and take care of all household chores, cooking Man is normally breadwinner Male children are favored, have more relaxed rules Female children participate in parades, are shown off, held to stricter standards than boys

11 View of western health care practitioners
Traditionally in Portugal, use of witchdoctors, healers, midwifes Not many real doctors, expensive Here, health care practitioners are commonly used and appreciated Traditional, older generation Portuguese men reluctant until very necessary

12 Spirituality as it relates to health practices
Prayer to God for healing Saints Candles, rosary May bring religious artifacts to hospital Herbal home remedies

13 Where is health care normally sought first?
Home remedies as first line of treatment OTC medications Family Physician Hospital

14 What cultural practices are important for health care providers to know about?
How Portuguese is the patient? Girls no looking or touching men Religious convictions Be considerate of prayer time Be aware of Catholic food restrictions Many visitors, lots of prayer

15 Recommended nursing care plan and interventions specific to the Portuguese culture
Education of healthy diet Discuss risks of Diabetes, liver cirrhosis Teach patient risks of smoking and drinking May need to provide translator Don’t assume the patient is hispanic Don’t use spanish translator

16 References

17 Need to get Portuguese bread Portuguese dessert espece
Picture from parades, band, folklore video Cape Rooster Cheese Wine

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