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Physics 1202: Lecture 37 Today’s Agenda

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1 Physics 1202: Lecture 37 Today’s Agenda
Announcements: Extra credits Final-like problems Team in class Teams 8, 9 & 10 HW 10 due this sFriday Atomic Physics: finally ! 1

2 Atomic Physics

3 Pauli exclusion principle
Wolfgang Pauli (1925): Nobel 1945 No electron can be in the same quantum state No more than 2 electrons in an orbital For a given n, l, m with ms = ± ½ Explains the periodic table Electronic configuration Shell structure of atoms

4 Periodic table Atomic structure and chemical properties
Pauli principle: atomic shell model

5 X-ray emission from atoms
X-ray tube Discovered by Wilheim Röntgen (1895) Accelerated electrons hit targets Large potentials kV to MV

6 X-ray emission from atoms
Bremsstrahlung Continuous x-ray Electron loosing energy Minimal l When all initial K is lost

7 X-ray emission from atoms
K, L, etc. shells and x-ray emission Fast electron kick inner electron out Higher electron falls in and fill the “hole” X-ray emitted

8 X-ray emission from atoms
Each element has a specific spectra lmin

9 Nuclear Physics

10 The nucleus Ernest Rutherford (1909-1910)
Discovered the nucleus (Nobel 1908 Chem.) Using alpha particles on gold film Large deflection: tiny but massive positive nucleus

11 The neutron Why mass & charge do not “fit”
mHe ~ 4 mH but only qHe = 2 qH (ion) Rutherford in 1920 speculated Neutral particle with about mass of proton must exist James Chadwick (Nobel 1935) Discovered the neutron (1932) Neutral particles (mass about 0.14% larger than p) Not photon (pass through matter), but massive:kick proton

12 The nucleus Made of Size and shape A Z protons N neutrons
Mass number A = Z + N A Z Size and shape Almost spherical Not always though 1.2 X m =1.2 fm

13 The strong nuclear force
A force must exist to compensate electric repulsion Nuclear force Always attractive The same between protons or neutrons 100 times stronger than electrostatic force Short-range: about only 3 fm

14 The strong nuclear force
Neutron are essential Provide the “glue” to maintain protons together Meed more n as A grows

15 Binding energy “missing” mass = negative or binding energy
The mass of an atom is less than its constituents 12C (m=12 u): used to defined the atomic mass unit u 6 protons + 6 neutrons + 6 electrons Adding = u “missing” mass = negative or binding energy E = mc2

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