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Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery

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1 Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery
Allied Health Research Project David Black

2 Roux-en-Y Bypass (Weight-loss Miracle?)
WHAT IT DOES AND WHY PEOPLE DO IT WHO IT IS FOR Alters the structure of the digestive system For Obese person whose more than double their ideal weight Limited specified area set aside for specified amount of food For person who may have health problems because of obesity Weight-loss is problem people worry about at sometime in their life Prescriptions drugs and diets have not given desired results

3 Review of Literature Data showed the public believes that the Roux-en-Y Bypass Surgery is a weight-loss miracle. Data showed there is an agreement on the complications after surgery Data showed there are both benefits and risks Data showed the risks after roux-en Y bypass surgery makes a treatment an inadvisable weight-loss technique

4 Methods Performed Ethnographic study
Utilized quantitative research method Scale of measures defined the parametric statistical procedures Perform interval ratio parametric test Performed ordinal test with Mann Whitney, U test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Gained research approval from ETSU's  IRB education program Performed HIPPA and VARK Three Design Methods used (1) Factorial design, (2) Quasi-experimental design lack of randomization, (3) Lack of control with a single group time series design

5 Conclusion Results of this study provided some fascinating insights in the benefits and complications of the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery. Answered question do the risks after roux-en Y bypass surgery make a treatment an inadvisable weight loss technique? I considered this to be true Studied showed surgery been around from 1967 to present Recognized that more studies of surgical techniques along with analysis of the results and the education of the surgeon must be accomplished. Fine-tuning of this procedure will provide continual improvement on outcomes

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