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Preparing for ARCP.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for ARCP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for ARCP

2 Panel meets twice a year

3 To consider and approve the adequacy of the evidence and documentation provided
Provided that adequate documentation has been provided, to make a judgement as to whether progress is satisfactory and progression can be made to the next level or confirm training has been completed

4 To consider time out of training and determine whether training should be extended
To provide advice to the RO on revalidation

5 Evidence Educational supervisors report
Documented assessments used to inform ESR Enhanced Form R Academic report Additional report from TPD

6 Outcomes Outcome 1: Satisfactory Progress
Outcome 2: Development of specific competences required – additional training time not required Outcome 3: Inadequate progress– additional training time required Outcome 4: Released from training programme with or without specified competences

7 Outcomes Outcome 5: Incomplete evidence presented – additional training time may be required Outcome 6: Gained all required competences - will be recommended as having completed the training programme and for award of a CCT or CESR/CEGPR Outcome 8: Out of programme for research, approved clinical training or a career break (OOPR/OOPT/OOPC)

8 Review Outcome 2 – request review
Outcome 3/4 – request review or appeal

9 Fitness to practise Enhanced Form R
Concerns fed back to Postgraduate Dean

10 How do we assess progress?

11 RCOG Educational Progression Matrix
Curriculum progression Assessed by Log Book Remember that Level 1,2,and 3 are not the same as Basic, intermediate and advanced Clinical skills 1st,2nd (3rd ) on call Examination Part 1 by end of ST2 Part 2 by end of ST5

12 WPBAs 1 Formative OSATs Summative OSATS
showing evidence of training Summative OSATS confirming competence or continued competence Need to decide which type BEFORE case

13 Summative OSATs Need 3 summative OSATS to confirm competence
Can be done in previous years. Need more than 1 assessor Can be ST6-7 for ST1-5 Summative OSATs for ST6-7 must be completed by Consultant

14 WPBAs 2 8 Mini-Cex Appropriate mix of O&G 8 CbDs 8 Reflective practise (number revealed to ES) Reflective practice logs should include reflection on all serious and untoward incidents and complaints that the trainee has been named in.

15 5 Regional Teaching sessions
Obligatory Courses Team observation forms Teaching Leadership and Management Presentation and Publications

16 Changes for 2016-7 Updated competencies
Mental Health (module 9) FGM (module 1 and module 4) Stillbirth and IUD (module 8) ROBUST course (or equivalent competencies) for ST2 and current ST3 Step Up course for ST2 and current ST3

17 Changes 2016-7 Laparoscopic simulation at ST2 and current ST3
Need to Pass new Part 2 and 3 before moving to ST6 TEF compulsory- it was supposed to be last year but it really is this year

18 Top Tips It is your e-portfolio and training
It is an annual assessment Use the Training Matrix from now Don’t leave everything until the last minute Your supervisors probably have less idea how to use it than you do

19 We need the evidence We can’t help you if we don't know about it Appraisal never ends- learn how to do it now

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