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River Transportation and Deposition

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1 River Transportation and Deposition
A closer look at the sediment moved in a river system

2 Sec Page Load Dissolved load Suspended load Bed load Competency Capacity Deposition

3 Dissolved (in solution) load composed of… Suspended load made up of…
Bed load made up of….. Salt, calcium ions Silt, clay and fine sand Pebbles, cobbles, boulders Dissolved: slat, calcium ions, Suspended: silt, clay fine sand, Bed load: pebbles, rocks, boulders ES1303

4 How will each material be transported
How will each material be transported? bed load, suspension or as dissolved load? Clay Boulders Calcium ions Pebbles Silt Coarse Sand Magnesium ions Fine Sand Suspension Bed load Solution * Depends upon the velocity of the river.

5 Interpreting Graphs: Homework with your group at the end of the lab tomorrow
What particle stays in suspension at the slowest stream speed? 2. What is the minimum speed needed to carry a boulder in suspension? Name all the particles that would be in suspension in a stream moving at 100 cm/sec. 1. Clay cm/s clay, silt, sand, pebbles larger diameter – higher the velocity needed to keep it in suspension 4. Describe in words the relationship between particle diameter and the velocity of stream flow needed to keep the particle in suspension.

6 Competency The maximum SIZE of particles that a stream can transport
The higher velocity of the water, the greater the competency

7 Capacity The maximum AMOUNT of load a stream can carry
The more discharge, the greater the capacity Sediment laden stream in Madagascar

8 The sediments will settle out of a running body of water when the velocity slows. The larger, more dense particles settle out first as they require a higher velocity to transport them. The finer material gets suspended and carried for a longer period of time. Precipitates (solutes in solution) will be carried the longest as they can remain in solution for a period of time. Sedimentary rocks are made of sediment

9 Deposition When a stream velocity decreases (near the mouth)
the river loses ENERGY and can no longer carry material. (competency) It DEPOSITS (dumps) sediment LARGEST material is sorted and deposited first. Eventually forming sedimentary rock. dunes Alluvial fans deltas

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