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4.1 Jesus is baptised State the meaning of the word baptism

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Presentation on theme: "4.1 Jesus is baptised State the meaning of the word baptism"— Presentation transcript:

1 4.1 Jesus is baptised State the meaning of the word baptism
Why do you think Jesus was baptised Why is the baptism important for Mark How does the baptism cause problems for Christians today? What are the different points of view about the baptism?

2 4.1 Jesus is baptised Pages 94-95 Why do you think Jesus was baptised?
(c) Explain what the baptism of Jesus shows about his identity. (8) 2. Why does this account cause problems for Christians today? (8) (bullet points)

3 4.2 Peter at Caesarea Philippi
State the meaning of confession What does Peter’s confession show about Jesus Why is Matthew’s version more important for Catholic Christians today What is Peter’s role in the church

4 4.2 Peter at Caesarea Philippi
What does Mark’s version show about Jesus’ identity? Why do protestants and Catholics differ about the role of Peter? Why do you think Jesus says not to tell anyone? What is this called?

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