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Craft Safety Ambassadors

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1 Craft Safety Ambassadors
Hebron Project Bull Arm Site Delivering Extraordinary Performance … Leaving a Legacy Craft Safety Ambassadors A group of fellow craft workers that give up their normal activities to just focus on safety CSA’s will be comprised of representatives from many major unions on the project but they will engage with all trades, not just their own 12 CSA’s signed up (5 previous CSA’s from Long Harbour) Three teams of 4 CSA’s on the A-B-C schedule working in conjunction with the Safety Coordinators CSA’s do not perform duties of Safety Coordinators. They remain on the “craft side”, lunch and breaks with other craft, etc.

2 Craft Safety Ambassadors
They make safety personal. They talk to fellow craft workers about the real reasons why we must work safe. They encourage each other to “Lower your tolerance for risk”.

3 Craft Safety Ambassadors
They promote our “SAZ” Program, which encourages workers to look out for each other. They get involved with our FLHA Program, which is a tool for hazard identification. They help solve issues in the field. They are involved in the Recognition Program and New Hire Orientation They participate in safety tours They help with communication between staff and craft.

4 Craft Safety Ambassadors
Pro’s: They spend most of their time engaging with other craft. Something most of us don’t have enough time to do. They are more accessible to the craft. They are more trusted. They have the craft worker’s “ear”. They can highlight important issues to management. They are a sounding board to bounce ideas off of. They help empower the craft to solve own problems. They improve moral and help build a safety culture with the craft.

5 Craft Safety Ambassadors
Con’s: They require a lot of attention. Regular meetings. A lot of daily guidance. They need protection from other supervisors that have different ideas about their roles. They are not always accepted by other safety staff, who may feel their jobs are threatened by the CSA’s Some shop stewards may be against the program, not liking the inter-mingling of trades. It may be hard to measure their success and justify their cost.

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