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U.S. History Chapter 9 Lecture Notes.

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1 U.S. History Chapter 9 Lecture Notes

2 U.S. Economy 2. Economy of the U.S., based on entrepreneurs operating private businesses for maximum profit Capitalism

3 New Inventions that changed lives in America
1. Improved the telegraph machine and invented Morse Code. Samuel F.B. Morse 3. Invented vulcanized rubber for use in shoe soles and tires. Charles Goodyear 4. Invented the Sewing Machine. Elias Howe 5. Improved the sewing machine and made the mass production of clothing possible. I.M. Singer 6. Invented the steel plow for use in cultivating the Great Plains. John Deere 7. Invented the Mechanical Reaper, which became a key part of Great Plains agriculture. Cyrus McCormick

4 Native Americans have limited control of the Great Plains
Treaty that gave the Native American tribes limited control of the Great Plains region in exchange for safe passage of American settlers through the territory. Treaty of Fort Laramie

5 Manifest Destiny 8. Reference to the belief that the westward expansion of the United States to the Pacific Ocean was inevitable and pre-ordained by God. Manifest Destiny 10. Route used by American settlers moving into the Oregon Territory. Oregon Trail 14. Slogan that expressed the settlers of the Oregon Territory’s willingness to go to war with Great Britain to attain possession of the entire Territory. “54’40 or Fight” 22. Won the Presidential election of 1844 on the promise to fulfill Manifest Destiny. James K. Polk 27. Treaty that officially ended the Mexican War and ceded California, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona to the United States. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 29. Bought to complete the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad, completed the borders of the mainland United States. Gadsden Purchase 28. Term describing the land acquired from Mexico as the result of the Mexican War. Mexican Cession

6 Progress Quiz #10 Which of the following invented the Steel Plow, which became a major part of settling the Great Plains? A. John Deere B. Elias Howe C. Cyrus McCormick D. I.M. Singer 47. Which of the following invented the mechanical reaper, which became a major part of settling the Great Plains?

7 Progress Quiz #10 (cont.) Which of the following best describes the belief that the western expansion of the United States to the Pacific Ocean was inevitable and pre-ordained by God? A. Nationalism B. Manifest Destiny C. Imperialism D. Capitalism 49. Which of the following American Presidents embraced manifest destiny and made it his purpose to add as much territory to the U.S. as he possibly could? A. Thomas Jefferson B. Franklin Pierce C. Abraham Lincoln D. James K. Polk

8 Progress Quiz #10 (cont.) Which of the following ended the Mexican War and added most of what is today the Western United States (California, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and parts of Texas) to U.S. territory? A. Treaty of Paris of 1898 B. Treaty of Ghent C. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo D. Treaty of Versailles

9 Progress Quiz #10 Answers
C B D * Any Questions?

10 The Mormon Trail 11. Religious group that eventually settled in the Utah Territory. Mormons 12. Founder of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints, the Mormons. Joseph Smith 13. Assumed leadership in the Mormon Church after the death of Joseph Smith and led the Mormons to Utah. Brigham Young

11 Texas Independence and Annexation
15. American Empressario who led American settlers into Texas. Stephen F. Austin 16. Network of Spanish Catholic Missions throughout California, New Mexico, and Texas designed to convert the Native American population to Christianity. Mission System 17. Became the dictator of Mexico and closed the Texas border, imprisoned Stephen Austin, then led an army North that slaughtered Americans at the Alamo. Santa Anna 18. Became the rallying cry for Texas Independence. “Remember the Alamo” 19. Battle that resulted in the capture of Santa Anna and the recognition of an Independent Republic of Texas. Battle of San Jacinto 20. Other name by which the Republic of Texas is known. Lone Star Republic 21. Led the Army of Texas at the Battle of San Jacinto and became the first President of the Lone Star Republic. Sam Houston

12 Progress Quiz #11 Which of the following led the Mormons to the Utah territory, where they became a major part of settling the west? A. Stephen F. Austin B. Santa Anna C. Sanford Dole D. Brigham Young 52. Which of the following led American settlers into Texas where they clashed with the Mexican government, later rebelled, and formed the Independent Republic of Texas?

13 Progress Quiz #11 (cont.) Which of the following Battles represented the defeat of Santa Anna in Texas, leading directly to Texas Independence? A. Saratoga B. Gettysburg C. San Jacinto D. San Juan Hill 54. Which of the following was the nickname for the Independent Republic of Texas? A. The Dixie Republic B. The Lone Star Republic C. The Bearflag Republic D. The Pineapple Republic

14 Progress Quiz #11 (cont.) Which of the following became the first President of the Lone Star Republic, he had led the Army of Texas in their defeat of Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto? A. Stephen F. Austin B. Sam Houston C. Davie Crockett D. Jim Bowie

15 Progress Quiz #11 Answers
D A C B * Any Questions?

16 Events from the Mexican War
23. Border dispute over the Rio Grande River caused a war with this country. Mexico 24. Sent to the Rio Grande river to conduct military exercises, sparked the Mexican War. Zachary Taylor 25. The efforts of John C. Fremont and Stephen Kearny led to the capture of this territory, known at the time as the Bear Flag Republic. California 26. Overall commander of U.S. forces in the Mexican War, planned the amphibious assault on Vera Cruz. Winfield Scott

17 Opposition to the Mexican War
30. Political Party formed for the sole purpose of stopping the extension of slavery into the territory acquired from Mexico. Free Soil Party Henry David Thoreau practiced Civil Disobedience during the Mexican War by refusing to pay his taxes, he did not want to support a war that would expand the territory of slavery.

18 The Gold Rush; “der’s gold in dem der hills”
31. Mineral discovered in California in 1849, sparked a boom in population, resulted in almost immediate statehood for California. Gold

19 Progress Quiz #12 U.S. aims as part of Manifest Destiny and a border dispute over the Rio Grande River caused a war between the U.S. and which of the following nations? A. Canada B. Mexico C. Japan D. Great Britain 57. Which of the following led the U.S. forces that engaged the Mexican Army at the Rio Grande, he later became a U.S. President? A. Sam Houston B. James K. Polk C. Zachary Taylor D. Winfield Scott

20 Progress Quiz #12 (cont.) Which of the following was the overall commander of U.S. Forces during the Mexican War, he planned the amphibious assault on Vera Cruz that is heralded in the Marine fight song? A. Robert E. Lee B. Winfield Scott C. Ulysses S. Grant D. George Washington 59. The efforts of John Freemont and Stephen Kearney led to the capture of which of the following territories, known at the time as the “Bearflag Republic”? A. New Mexico B. Utah C. Arizona D. California

21 Progress Quiz #12 (cont.) Which of the following political parties formed with the sole purpose of stopping the spread of slavery into the territory gained from Mexico (what would become the main cause for the Civil War in 1860)? A. Free Soil Party B. Whig Party C. Libertarians D. The Green Party

22 Progress Quiz #12 Answers
B C D A * Any Questions?

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