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To Do: monday bell ringer

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1 To Do: monday bell ringer
As you come in… Write only the corrections on your whiteboard. Ring! Ring! In September 1878, Emma M Nutt became the first female telephone operator. She took her post in boston, Massachusetts. She was pay just $10 a month for her werk. Emma must have injoyed her job. She continued to work as an operator for 33 year every time you here an operator say, What city, please?" you should think of Emma Nutt. (10 errors) Work on incomplete work or read a book. Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

2 answer Ring! Ring! On September 1878, Emma M. Nutt became the first female telephone operator. She took her post in Boston, Massachusetts. She was paid just $10 a month for her work. Emma must have enjoyed her job. She continued to work as an operator for 33 years. Every time you hear an operator say, "What city, please?" you should think of Emma Nutt. 

3 Debate: should fidget spinners be allowed at school?
Vocabulary pg. 9 Text Scavenger Hunt pg. 1

4 Debate: should fidget spinners be allowed at school?
Yes No

5 REVIEW THE DIA We will review the DIA using numbered heads together.
Portfolio Writing folder – pit bull essay Test/Quizzes folder – test and quizzes from quarter 1 On the inside of your folder write: 1 thing you are proud of from quarter 1 2 things you would like to improve on in quarter 2

6 To Do: tuesday bell ringer
As you come in… Write only the corrections on your whiteboard. October 12, 1492; is the day when the explorer Christopher Columbus arrive in the “New World.” He sailed from Spain and landing in what is now the Bahamas, near the U.S. state of florida. Because Columbus was Italan, some people serve there favorite Italian foods on this holiday. Others choos to spend the day remembering and honoring the native cultures that Columbus find on his journey. How do you celebrate the day. Work on incomplete work or read a book. Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

7 answer October 12, 1492, is the day when the explorer Christopher Columbus arrived in the “New World.” He sailed from Spain and landed in what is now the Bahamas, near the U.S. state of Florida. Because Columbus was Italian, some people serve their favorite Italian foods on this holiday. Others choose to spend the day remembering and honoring the native cultures that Columbus found on his journey. How do you celebrate the day?

8 Coding the sources As you read look for 3 reasons to support your claim. Highlight 2 pieces of evidence for each reason. Evaluate each source. Did one source have more evidence to support fidget spinners in schools? If so, which one? Source 1 Source 2

9 REVIEW THE DIA We will review the DIA using numbered heads together.

10 To Do: wednesday bell ringer
As you come in… Write only the corrections on your whiteboard. Take time to enjoy some of the sights and activitie that come with the autumn seson. Have you ever picked apples at a orchard or jumped in a pile of leafs that have fallen from the trees. May be you have use a pumpkin, guord, or scarecrow to decorate your home. If the whether is starting to got colder where you live, try bundling up and going on a hike. Read a book or work on incomplete work. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

11 answer Take time to enjoy some of the sights and activities that come with the autumn season. Have you ever picked apples at an orchard or jumped in a pile of leaves that have fallen from the trees? Maybe you have used a pumpkin, gourd, or scarecrow to decorate your home. If the weather is starting to get colder where you live, try bundling up and going on a hike.

12 REVIEW THE DIA We will review the DIA using numbered heads together.

13 To Do: wednesday bell ringer
As you come in… Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

14 Drop everything and read
Take out a book and read silently for this class period. You should be bringing a book from home or using a book from my library that you will read all the way through.

15 To Do: Thursday bell ringer
As you come in… Write only the corrections on your whiteboard. President Jimmy Carter grew up in the small town of plains Georgia. No one could have predicted what his future hold when he was born on October 1, The death of his father brought Jimmy into the families farming business he became a community leader, then Georgia's governor, and, eventually, president of the United states. As president, Carter was nown as a piecemaker. Since then, he has build many homes for families in need. Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

16 answer President Jimmy Carter grew up in the small town of Plains, Georgia. No one could have predicted what his future held when he was born on October 1, The death of his father brought Jimmy into the family's farming business. He became a community leader, then Georgia's governor, and, eventually, president of the United States. As president, Carter was known as a peacemaker. Since then, he has built many homes for families in need.

17 Fsa mODELS Underline the claim of the essay in red.
Review claims and evidence using an FSA model. Underline the claim of the essay in red. Underline the reasons for the claim in blue. In each body paragraph, highlight the evidence. In each body paragraph, underline the reason in blue. Do you think they did a good job supporting their reason with evidence? Why or why not?

18 Fsa mODELS Rubric Scores Why do you think this writer earned a 10/10?
Which part of the rubric do you think the 9/10 lost points on and why? What is the main difference between the level 9 and 10 paper from the level 7? Why do you think the 7/10 lost points? What part of the rubric domain do you think they scored the lowest on? Why do you think the 6/10 lost points? What part of the rubric domain do you think they scored the lowest on?

19 To Do: friday bell ringer
As you come in… Write only the corrections on your whiteboard. The first successful launch off a man-made satellite happened on October 4, 1957, That satellite, launched by the Soviet Union was named Sputnik I. The launch caused a renewed emphesis on the teaching of science in america. The satellite, which weighed pound took off from the soviets' Tyuratam launch site. Though it was active for just 21 days, Sputnik I mark the beginning of the Space Age and exploration beyond planet Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

20 answer The first successful launch of a man-made satellite happened on October 4, 1957. That satellite, launched by the Soviet Union, was named Sputnik I. The launch caused a renewed emphasis on the teaching of science in America. The satellite, which weighed pounds ,took off from the Soviets' Tyuratam launch site. Though it was active for just 21 days, Sputnik I marked the beginning of the Space Age and exploration beyond planet Earth.

21 Writing the essay Using the sources provided, you will write a 5 paragraph essay on whether or not fidget spinners should be allowed in schools. Your argument must have: introduction (hook, BI, claim, 3 reasons) 3 body paragraphs (one for each reason) 2 pieces of evidence in each body paragraph counterargument conclusion

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