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EXPReS Annual Review - 2007 April 17
NA's- Past 12 Month Overview T. Charles Yun EXPReS Project Team JIVE, Coordinating Institution EXPReS is made possible through the support of the European Commission (DG-INFSO), Sixth Framework Programme, Contract #026642
09:00-09:30 Introductions / Overview
Agenda 09:00-09:30 Introductions / Overview 09:30-11:00 EXPReS Summary for Past 12 Months 20 NA1/NA2/NA3/NA4- Network Activities and Management 20 SA1- Production e-VLBI Service 20 SA2- Network Provision for a Global e-VLBI Array 20 JRA1- Future Arrays of Broadband Radio Telescop on Internet Computing 11:00-11:15 Break 11:15-11:45 External User: Benefits and capabilities of e-VLBI 11:45-12:30 Comments from E.C. on morning 12:30-13:15 Lunch 13:15-14:00 Financial Overview for Past 12 Months 14:00-15:15 Overview of project next 18 Months 15:15-16:00 Open Discussion 16:00-16:20 Reviewer Internal Meeting 16:20-16:30 First Feedback to the team 16:30 Conclusion / End of First Year Review 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
(some of) The Faces of EXPReS
Introduction (some of) The Faces of EXPReS 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
Introduction EXPReS Timeline 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
NA1- Management of I3 Distribution of Period 1 funding (covered later)
NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review NA1- Management of I3 Distribution of Period 1 funding (covered later) Board Meeting Selection of Chair and Vice-Chair Confirmation of Coordinator Project Kickoff Meeting Basic communication pathways for the project Contact names/info, mailing lists Addendum to the Consortium Agreement Makeup of the Project Office Reporting, communications 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
NA1- the Project Office Project Coordinator
NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review NA1- the Project Office Project Coordinator Mike Garrett, Huib Jan van Langevelde The switch has been signaled to the EC and the Project Office has received a letter recognizing the change. Administrative Assistant Diana van Dijk (month 1) Project Manager T. Charles Yun (month 6) With the completion of the full project office, communication and reporting with the EC should be more effective and reliable 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
NA1- Amendment to Consort. Agmt
NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review NA1- Amendment to Consort. Agmt Changes to the Consortium Agreement were proposed at the Board Meeting Creating a formal Amendment was the procedural solution The board discussed the text to be modified as well as the reasons and reasoning for the changes In total, eight amendments were accepted and verbally approved by the board A "signable" legal document followed after several cycles of legal formatting All partners have signed the Consortium Agreement as well as the Amendment to the Consortium Agreement Copies of the signed documents are held by the Project Office 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review
NA2- EVN-NREN Forum EVN-NREN = European VLBI Network - National Research and Education Networks John Chevers, DANTE Purpose: Support and encourage discussion on topics relating to network implementation of telescopes and performance experienced by e-VLBI traffic between members of the astronomy and networking communities Activities EVN-NREN Meeting, May 2006 NREN cooperation with SMART-1 observation NREN Partners GEANT2 (Europe) via DANTE SURFnet6 (Netherlands) via SURFnet PIONEER (Poland) via PSNC AARNet3 (Australia) via AARNet South American network’s participation in SMART-1 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
GEANT2 NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review 2007 April 17
EXPReS Annual Review
SURFNet6 NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review 2007 April 17
EXPReS Annual Review
PIONEER NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review 2007 April 17
EXPReS Annual Review
AARNet3 NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review 2007 April 17
EXPReS Annual Review
List of 19 NRENs # Participant NREN 1 JIVE SURFnet 2 AARNET AARNet 3
DANTE n/a 4 PSNC PSNC/PIONEER 5 6 ASTRON 7 CNIG-IGN RedIRIS 8 CSIRO 9 HRAO-NRF TENET 10 INAF GARR 11 MPG (1) DFN MPG (2) Jülich 12 TKK Funet / CSC 13 CORNELL (1) PRISA (Puerto Rico Internet Services Association) CORNELL (2) FIU (Florida International University) 14 UMK PIONEER 15 OSO (1) SUNET OSO (2) NORDUunet 16 SHAO CSTNET 17 UDEC (1) REUNA UDEC (2) RedCLARA 18 UNIMAN UKERNA 19 VeA/VIRAC (1) LATNET VeA/VIRAC (2) GEANT VeA/VIRAC (3) List of 19 NRENs 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
SMART-1 Observation, 2006 Sept
NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review SMART-1 Observation, 2006 Sept ESA 2002 e-VLBI is used to monitor SMART-1’s controlled impact on the surface of the moon. Radio telescopes, led by European radio astronomers from JIVE recorded key data during its final moments and impact. Successes: 10 usec accuracy of impact (+/- 2 cm) Networked transport of data Coordination and cooperation between telescopes, astronomers and inter/national backbone networks e-VLBI in support of space operations 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
NA3- eVSAG eVSAG = e-VLBI Science Advisory Group John Conway Purpose
NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review NA3- eVSAG eVSAG = e-VLBI Science Advisory Group John Conway Purpose to be a forum to discuss the science use of e-VLBI, give a user perspective on the relative priorities for technical development and give science-based policy advice to other parts of EXPReS or the EVN in general Meetings e-VLBI progress and strategy to the EVN board of directors; Florence, Italy; May 2006 e-VLBI update to the EVN board of directors, Dwingeloo, the Netherlands, Nov 2006 eVSAG meeting; Dwingeloo, the Netherlands; Nov 2006 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
NA3- e-VLBI Observation
NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review NA3- e-VLBI Observation The e-VLBI observation schedule is coordinated via the eVSAG chair. Summary of past year's observation schedule: 16 Mar 2006 Technical operations, 5 antennas at 128 Mbps 20 Apr 2006 Gave published observations (Tudose, et al. and Rushton, et al.) 18 May 2006 Six station fringes at 256 Mbps (CM, JB, MC, ON, TR, WB). First ever European 512 Mbps e-VLBI fringes on the Jodrell Bank - Westerbork baseline. 13-hours science project without major problems. 21 August 2006 We had the first 512 Mbp fringes between three European stations: Cambridge, Onsala and Westerbork. We also got fringes for the first time between Cambridge, Medicina and Westerbork using Medicina’s new 5 GHz receiver. 26 October 2006 New correlator control computer. First time to run the science experiments at 256 Mbps. Two projects that targeted the X-ray binary LSI , and the eclipsing binary system Algol. Both of the targets were nicely detected in the data analysis pipeline. 14 December 2006 Test went extremely smoothly, three science projects. 6 stations easily participated at 256 Mbps. 29 January - 1 February 2007 Set up as a double adaptive run (29 January - 1 February) with the first run used to select targets for the second run. 6 stations participated at 256 Mbps. The reduction strategy worked well, and pipeline maps were produced for 14 out of 16 sources by the end of the first run. Unfortunately, none of the sources were found to be in an active state. On 2 February, all telescopes observed a calibrator source for one hour at 512 Mbpsto produce the first map at 512 Mbps. 20 February 2007 512 Mbps data rate was again achieved from fives stations. 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
Science Publications NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review
2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
NA4- Public Outreach Purpose:
NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review NA4- Public Outreach Purpose: to develop a coherent and visible outreach programme profiling EXPReS to astronomers, diverse researchers and the general public both nationally and internationally Activity highlights: General project website Project wiki with public and secured areas Press releases, posters, support for news and radio articles Project brochure, distributed to partners 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
EXPReS Public Online Presence
NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review EXPReS Public Online Presence The EXPReS website is the public’s interface into the project. From this point general, scientific and technical information is accessible. Many of the physical publications produced by the project are available for download The EXPReS wiki is a dynamic forum where project members create and edit project related information. 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
General Publications NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review
2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
EXPReS Project Site- wiki
NA 1, 2, 3, and 4: Past 12 Month Review EXPReS Project Site- wiki 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
NA1 Deliverables D# A AD# Descrip Plan Actual D32 NA1 NA1.01
Annual report (incl. Financial information) to EC 12 13 D81 NA1.02 24 D111 NA1.03 36 D112 NA1.04 Final Report to Board and EC D113 NA1.05 Final Plan for using and disseminating knowledge D114 NA1.06 Implementation of the Gender Action Plan D115 NA1.07 Raising public participation and awareness 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
NA2 Deliverables D# A AD# Descrip Plan Actual D4 NA2 NA2.01
EVN-NREN meeting No. 1 (under auspices of EXPReS) (minutes) 3 6 D31 n/a NA2 annual report No. 2 (as part of EXPReS Ann. Rep No. 2) 24 D33 NA2.02 NA2 annual report No. 1 (as part of EXPReS Ann. Rep No. 1) 12 13 D48 NA2.03 EVN-NREN meeting No. 2 18 D82 NA2.04 D88 NA2.05 EVN-NREN meeting No. 3 26 D89 NA2.06 EVN-NREN representatives present EXPReS networking results at the e-VLBI Science & Technology Workshop D90 EVN-NREN meeting D116 NA2.07 NA2 annual & Final reports 36 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
NA3 Deliverables D# A AD# Descrip Plan Actual D6 NA3 NA3.1
First meeting of eVSAG under auspices of EXPReS (minutes) 4 9 D46 NA3.2 eVSAG meeting No. 2 16 D91 NA3.3 eVSAG meeting No. 3 26 D94 NA3.4 e-VLBI Workshop held in Onsala 30 D107 NA3.5 Publication of e-VLBI Workshop proceedings 32 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
NA4 Deliverables D# A AD# Descrip Plan Actual D1 NA4 NA4.01
Creation of Public EXPReS web-site 2 1 D7 NA4.02 Creation of EXPReS web-based management tools 4 D10 NA4.03 Generation of PR material (phase 1: logos and posters, PowerPoint template, press releases and news clippings, brochure) 6 D34 NA4.04 e-VLBI Demonstration and attendance at Network events (events, presentations) 12 D49 NA4.05 Generation of new PR material (phase 2: display stand and merchandise) 18 D83 NA4.06 e-VLBI Demonstration and attendance at Network events. 24 D117 NA4.07 e-VLBI Demonstration and attendance at network events. 36 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
09:00-09:30 Introductions / Overview
Agenda 09:00-09:30 Introductions / Overview 09:30-11:00 EXPReS Summary for Past 12 Months 20 NA1/NA2/NA3/NA4- Network Activities and Management 20 SA1- Production e-VLBI Service 20 SA2- Network Provision for a Global e-VLBI Array 20 JRA1- Future Arrays of Broadband Radio Telescop on Internet Computing 11:00-11:15 Break 11:15-11:45 External User: Benefits and capabilities of e-VLBI 11:45-12:30 Comments from E.C. on morning 12:30-13:15 Lunch 13:15-14:00 Financial Overview for Past 12 Months 14:00-15:15 Overview of project next 18 Months 15:15-16:00 Open Discussion 16:00-16:20 Reviewer Internal Meeting 16:20-16:30 First Feedback to the team 16:30 Conclusion / End of First Year Review 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
Conclusion Questions/Answers Contact information T. Charles Yun Project Manager EXPReS (JIVE) tcyun at jive dot nl Additional Information [note: only one “s”] EXPReS is made possible through the support of the European Commission (DG-INFSO), Sixth Framework Programme, Contract #026642 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
Conclusion EXPReS 2007 April 17 EXPReS Annual Review
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