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Global South-South Development Expo 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Global South-South Development Expo 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global South-South Development Expo 2016
Dubai, November 2

2 Triangular Technical Cooperation Project: Brazil & Germany - Perú


4 The Project

5 Triangular Technical Cooperation Model
I. Identify the necessity II. Define Sponsors & Project Beneficiary III. Key Project Elements IV. Organization & Management ABC BMZ SENATI APCI BMZ Market Research Project Components Business & Marketing Plan Joint Coordination Committee Technical Execution Unit Local Management Team SENAI GIZ - Coordination Committee: - Strategy, Evaluation. - Execution Unit: - Initial Project Management. - Technology Transfer. - Local Management Team: - Future project management. - Counterparts: US$. - Environmental damage. - Favorable political and legal environment. - Transfer of: 1. Economic Resources: - Equipment. 2. Know How: - Technology. - Management. - Market Research: - Validation of needs. - Key Project Components : 1. Organization & infrastructure. 2. Career and Training offer 3. Monitor & Analysis offer. 4. Planning, monitoring & evaluation. - Business & Marketing Plan : - Project Sustainability.

6 II. Define Sponsors & Project Beneficiary
ABC Brazilian Cooperation Agency BMZ German Ministry of Economy Economic Contributions SENATI Industrial Training National Service APCI Peruvian Cooperation Agency GIZ German Society for International Cooperation SENAI Industrial Training National Service Technological transfer: experts, equipment, instrumentation

7 III. Key Project Elements: Environment Market Research
Participation of main Industry Associations Poll: 76 companies Total number of companies: 76 Source: Poll was applied by Macroconsult S.A (May and June 2011)

8 III. Key Project Elements: Defining Action Lines - CTA
SOIL QUALITY WATER QUALITY AIR QUALITY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ENERGETIC EFFICIENCY RENEWABLE ENERGIES Eco-efficiency Service Portfolio Technical Training Programs in Environmental Technologies Ongoing Training Technical Consulting Environmental Technology Projects Lab Services

9 III. Key Project Elements: Components - CTA
Organization Structure and Facilities Training Offer in Environmental Technologies and Energetic efficiency Monitoring Offer and Lab Analysis; Applied Research and Technical Consultancy Planning, Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation Organization chart, procedure documentation and job descriptions. Infrastructure for careers and trainings as well as infrastructure for lab services. Business & Marketing plan. 2 Technical Programs: Environment and Water Treatment. 1 program for Environmental Monitors. Programs and specializations in selected areas of environmental technologies. Offer Of Applied Research Service, Technical Consultancy, Monitoring Service and Lab Analysis in selected areas: water, air, soil, energetic efficiency and/or solid waste. Monitoring and Evaluation System. Annual operational report.

10 IV. Organization & Project Management
Joint Coordination Committee (JCC): ABC, APCI, GIZ, SENAI, SENATI Technical Execution Unit (TEU): SENATI (CTA) , SENATI , GIZ Strategic project guidelines. Approve the Annual Operating Plan (AOP). Approve the Monitoring and Evaluation System. Results Evaluations: Periodic report, Annual report and Final project report. Support of International Missions. Develop of Annual Operating Plan. Execute activities according to AOP. Develop reports required by JCC. Periodic information to JCC: Trimestral meetings or/and when considered pertinent.

11 IV. Organization & Project Management: Financial Counterparts
INVESTMENT US$ MLLS Entity Project Real SENATI 1,17 2,00 ABC 2,82 1,77 GIZ 1,26 1,41 TOTAL 5,25 5,18

12 Results by 2016…

13 Courses & Post Graduate Programs
423 Students* 90 Graduates Expense Coverage Year Proj. Real 2012 15% 27% 2013 30% 117% Students Female Year Proj. Real 2012 40 54 20% >50% 2013 80 Dual Career Training Formación Dual Cobertura Gastos Expense Coverage Cursos y Diplomados Courses & Post Graduate Programs Proyectos Projects 6 International Projects 1259 Participants Asesoría Técnica Technical Assesment 42 Enterprises *Offered Careers: Environmental Technician and Water Treatment Technician

14 Key Points to Emphasize
PERTINENCE AND RELEVANCE Relevance of environmental issues in country economic policy, as well in private companies and other institutions. QUALIFY TECHNICIAN REQUIERED BY MARKET Supply specialized training to coverage the local demand for Environmental Technicians. COMPLEMENTARITY Technological knowledge transferred between cooperating countries and SENATI. LOCAL EXECUTION Important local partner with high “ownership” level, for its management capability, institutional recognition, technical and economic solvency. ENDORSEMENT AND RECOGNITION Professional recognition of experts opened the doors at enterprises. Opportunities were created with cooperation institutions and companies. LEARNING AND GOOD PRACTICES Extrapolate both within SENATI as to other institutions.

15 Improvement Opportunities
Adequate definition of talent profiles, management and retention policies Considering specific market demand and an adequate definition of human resources and responsibilities would allow to approach this opportunity and minimize the rotation of qualified personnel ,ensuring project continuity. Standardization and communication of procedures and operating norms Integrating budgets and norms under one administration would facilitate the resource flow and accelerating the execution of activities. Medium and long term financial projections, objectives and targets Define and set finance projections, objectives and milestones for the different project stages.

16 Next Steps

17 Technologic Centers to the Academic Offer
Next Steps Water Treatment Integrate Technologic Centers to the Academic Offer Solar Photovoltaic PONER FOTO COMPLETA

18 Thank you.

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