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Changing Role of Women in Ireland

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1 Changing Role of Women in Ireland

2 At start of 20th century Women had very hard lives
their role was to be a wife and mother spent most of the day in the kitchen cooking, minding their children, washing, sewing, cleaning, mending in rural areas they helped with farm work - raising chickens and milking cows - in urban areas, some worked as… …domestic servants - had v few rights - expected to marry, have kids and obey their husbands

3 Fashion Dress fashions (for wealthy women) - dresses that covered up a
…woman’s body - no ankle showing - wore hats and had parasols - corset to give the impression of a …tight waist no make-up – only ‘easy’ women wore make up - Hair worn long – married women hair in a bun

4 Changes in fashion Dresses got shorter as women got more freedom...
Since 1920s this fashion changed Dresses got shorter as women got more freedom... they used their dress styles as a sign of it - the ‘swinging sixties’ - mini skirts - or even trousers - popular on women since 60s

5 Women and Voting no vote - they had no say in how society was run
- the suffragette movement demanded vote for women - famous suffragette – Hannah Sheehy Skeffington they protested, smashed shop windows hunger strike when sent to jail in 1922 got vote in new Free State but still didn’t have full equality in society

6 No rights for women couldn’t sit on juries
- marriage bar - law that stopped married women from working in civil service or teaching - no contraception - the belief that a woman’s place was in the kitchen

7 From 1960s on women gradually got more rights
- govt introduced free secondary education in 1960s - girls got education - this made them more aware of their rights - started to go to universities – now more females graduate than men - electricity - machines made their household tasks easier (washing machine, cooker) - this allowed women to work outside home - tv and the debates on it encouraged the rights of women (The Late Late Show debates) - Feminist women’s movement - demanded an end to discrimination

8 More rights for women 1972 - end of marriage bar
- laws demanding equal pay for men and women Employment Equality Act - forbade discrimination in the workplace - women had been discriminated on the basis of gender and marital status - by 2000 women had equality before the law - ireland also had had two female presidents - Mary Robinson and Mary McAleese

9 Final thought but have women achieved full equal rights?
- think of how many women still have to do the housework... ... even after coming home… …from a full day’s work v few women politicians -1 in 8 few women bosses - 1 in 5 is this equality?

10 Recap Women had very hard lives Worked in home doing v difficult work
Life improved with electrification No rights – inferior to men Dressed v conservatively No vote Suffragette movement Gradually got more rights Got vote, end of marriage bar, same pay as men, no discrimination in workplace

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