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Student feedback isn't a problem, it's the solution General Manager

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1 Student feedback isn't a problem, it's the solution General Manager



4 Workshop Objectives How student feedback can help build quality practices in ELT centres

5 Walter Shewhart 1920s P-D-C-A
Quality gurus Joseph Juran 1950s The Quality Trilogy – planning, improvement, control Walter Shewhart 1920s P-D-C-A W Edwards Deming 1950s The Deming Cycle Kaoru Ishikawa 1940s Cause Effect or Fishbone Diagram Armand Feigenbaum 1950s Total Quality Management

6 Meeting the needs of an organisation’s stakeholders.
Quality is … Meeting the needs of an organisation’s stakeholders. Students (customers) and their families Employees including teachers & managers Owners including shareholders Suppliers eg agents, homestay services The regulators (government) Pathway providers

7 Delivering Quality Delivering quality requires:
Strong leadership and governance Good systems and policies A culture of continuous improvement


9 Future Students Connect with students before they commence through social media Reach out to new students Provide information about the school and destination

10 Commencing Students Welcome new students on a welcome board or screen
Provide course outline/syllabus with learning outcomes and assessments Help them stay connected with loved ones, WIFI that works Provide orientation of school and surrounds Introduce people Link up with current students

11 Continuing Students Giving students one to one feedback opportunities every week, fortnight, mid term Assessment outlines and expectations, eg marking guides Recognise milestones, achievements and success Ask students for feedback eg SRC, surveys Act on feedback and make it public Celebrate international events and cultures Provide support to students Provide somewhere safe and welcoming on on-site

12 Graduates and alumni Recognition – successes and outcomes
Track students, mentors


14 Thank you

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