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Chapter 18 Section 3 Victory in Europe

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1 Chapter 18 Section 3 Victory in Europe
By 1942 US supplies and troops began to swing the war in the Allies favor- though we weren’t strong enough yet to take on the Germans in Europe Operation Torch: Dwight D. Eisenhower led a US/British operation in North Africa French forces resisted but finally, after cutting off Axis supplies from Italy, the Germans were caught and destroyed in a Pincer at Tunisia. Patton emerged as a leaders Then we turned to Italy via Sicily with Patton leading the charge

2 Vicious Fighting in Italy
Sicily was invaded 1st- it offered a launching point for the invasion of Italy The Italian King replaced Mussolini Germany took him to Northern Italy for safe-keeping The Italian Gov’t signed an armistice with the allies The German forces were there to resist Several mountainous choke points made it tough In early 1945 Italy was liberated and Italian rebels killed Mussolini- his body was on display for awhile

3 Battle of the Atlantic In the Atlantic, German U-boats took a staggering toll on Allied vessels The advancement of sonar began to turn the battle against the Axis. By 1944 the Allies had won the Battle of the Atlantic and it was relatively safe for shipping and deadly to be on a U-boat.

4 This strategy was very effective
Allied Air Campaign In 1943 the Allies intensified their air campaign. The overall goal was to destroy German military production and demoralize the civilian population The British bombed at night in the general area of targets – Not to worried about civilian deaths The Americans- with considerably more danger- bombed in daylight at lower altitudes to hit strategic targets This strategy was very effective

5 Operation Overlord Operation Overlord was the name given to the long-awaited invasion of German-occupied Normandy France Key Players George C. Marshall- led the planning from the US Dwight D. Eisenhower- in charge from England Omar Bradley- Led the landing troops

6 D-Day June 6, 1944 5,000 transport, war ships and landing craft 150,000 troops in the initial invasion 23,000 paratroopers By August Paris was liberated By September 2,000,000 troops had landed Hitler was deceived by Patton’s ghost army and held out reinforcements to the Normandy area

7 Holocaust

8 Defeating Germany

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