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Warm Up You will be presented with a map titled, “Growing Industrial Cities 1800-1840” (PAGE 295) and be asked to answer the following questions: 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up You will be presented with a map titled, “Growing Industrial Cities 1800-1840” (PAGE 295) and be asked to answer the following questions: 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up You will be presented with a map titled, “Growing Industrial Cities ” (PAGE 295) and be asked to answer the following questions: 1. Look at the map, which cities near the great lakes saw industrial growth? 2. Which industrial cities lie south of Virginia and Kentucky? 3. How do you think a regions geography influenced industrial growth in that region?

2 Housekeeping Items -Classwork -Projects -Past exams
2. Positive behavior chart 3. Current events due next week 501- Thursday Friday Friday Thursday 502- Friday Friday Thursday Friday 503- Thursday Friday Thursday Thursday 804- Friday

3 Objective SWBAT understand how new technology affected the way things were made.

4 In colonial times, most Americans lived in the same place that they worked, which was usually a farm. When they wanted or needed something, they usually made it What might these people need that they might have to make on their own? (Turn and talk)

5 Using their own hands and simple tools, people made much of their own furniture, farm equipment, household items, and clothing. In the mid 1700’s people began producing goods through new methods. Turn and talk to discuss what these new methods might entail.

6 Inventors build machines that did some of the work involved in cloth making, such as spinning thread. These machines ran on the power of flowing water. Predict what you believe these buildings became known as. (Turn and talk)

7 These factories, or mills were located by rivers to supply the needed power. Large numbers of machines were installed in these factories, and people began working in these factories instead of solely staying in their home tending their farms Can you identify what this shift in American History was called? (Turn and talk to discuss) This shift in American History was known as the Industrial Revolution.

8 Guided Practice As a class, we will popcorn read a passage titled, “The Industrial Revolution in the United States/New Inventions” (PAGE 296) and answer the following comprehension questions: What were some machines that were invented during this time period? How did interchangeable parts play a role in these machines?

9 Independent Practice Read a passage titled “The Rise of Factories” (PAGE 297) and answer the following:  Why were patents important? Before patents, what were some difficulties inventors likely faced? A student will be called on to read the question and interpret it in his or her own words.

10 Group Work You will be presented with an image titled “Lowell Factory System” or “Young Factory Workers” Group 1- What is the source of the power in this mill? Group 2-How was this system an improvement over earlier technology? Group 3-How does the photo indicate these girls are workers? (Page 297) Group 4-Use the computer to locate additional information about the Lowell factory workers

11 Exit Ticket Answer the following on your way out, using all the information you learned from todays lesson: 1. How did New England’s physical geography support the growth of industries?

12 Homework Read a passage titled, “Free Enterprise” and answer comprehension questions.

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