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First Grade ELA Night IRLA

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1 First Grade ELA Night IRLA

2 IRLA Reading Levels Expectations
1G- Kindergarten 2G- Beginning of First Grade 1B-Middle of First Grade 2B-End of First Grade 1R-Beginning of 2nd Grade 2R-End of 2nd Grade

3 1B Skills Word families Power Words One syllable words short vowels
long vowels inferencing


5 2B Skills Decode 2 syllable words Read words with inflectional endings
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.


7 1R Skills Decode any three-syllable word that follows a regular vowel pattern (Washington). Read words with common suffixes. –ed, -er, -ing, -es, -y, -est, -ly, -ier, -iest Use three-letter blends to figure out unfamiliar words. Str-, scr-, spl-, shr-, squ-, sch-, thr-, -tch, Use silent consonants to figure out unfamiliar words. Kn-, gn-, wr-, -mb, -gh   Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams. Au, ou, oo, oy, oi, ey, ei, ew Decode regularly spelled two-syllable words with long vowels (e.g., open, Ruby, biking)


9 Reading Nightly Your child’s at home reading is being recorded each week in School Pace. Each 15 minutes is counted as 1 step. The goal for each week is 10 steps at home and 10 steps at school. Nightly reading greatly increases your child’s vocabulary, reading stamina and academic success.


11 Bookshelf App What is Bookshelf?
An online resource that allows your child to access over 400 eBooks on the web, iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch. **It is also available on Android devices. Spend a few minutes on the iPad looking through the available books. See handout for log in information.

12 Book Leveling Database
Username: pcblbooks Password: books4pasco

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