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Sept 14th Today in History:1814 Francis Scott Key writes “The Star Spangled Banner” Learning Target: I can understand the Bill of Rights and apply them.

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Presentation on theme: "Sept 14th Today in History:1814 Francis Scott Key writes “The Star Spangled Banner” Learning Target: I can understand the Bill of Rights and apply them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sept 14th Today in History: Francis Scott Key writes “The Star Spangled Banner” Learning Target: I can understand the Bill of Rights and apply them for today. Opener: Looking on the Aver vision- Which of the first Ten Amendments are most important for you and why?


3 Task You will be looking at 9 different scenarios- you will need to use the Bill of Rights to determine- which Amendment it matches and explain WHY it was that Amendment. Timed Rounds- 4 min per station- be sure to have a reader of the scenario, which amendment fits the scenario Discussion of all people in the group- does it violate that amendment? Write your # it matches and reasoning why the scenario does or does not violate the scenario STAY WITH YOUR GROUP THE WHOLE TIME WHEN FINISHED YOU SHOULD GO BACK TO YOUR 1st table that you were at.

4 Scenario # and Amendment
Violation or not Reasoning 1- Freedom of Speech/Expression (1st amend) No Private entities can restrict speech 2-Speech/Expression (1st amend) Yes Brown v Entertainment merchants association 7-2 decision in 2010 3-2nd amendment Unclear No district ruling on this- patriot act 4- Speech/Expression (1st) Tinker vs Des Moines 5- Search and Seizure (4th amend) New jersey v TLO decision the students caught smoking “reasonable cause” 6- Self Incrimination (5th) YES Miranda v Arizona decision 7-Search and Seizure (4th) Allowed officers in her home 8- Speech/Expression (1st) 9- Eminent Domain (5th) NO Schneck v US decision She paid for her home

5 Closure How important is it to you to know the Bill of Rights? Explain your answer based on your learning today. Self Reflection: Pirate ship rating on our LT Today I learned…

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