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Simulation plugins: EPP

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1 Simulation plugins: EPP

2 Event Processing Plugin (EPP)
Event Processing Plugin (EPP): A plugin that uses calculations done in the core of SEAMCAT and that processes them to produce alternative results In contrast with the functional plugins, simulation plugins do not compute one value but rather collect as many result values as the plugin specifies. It runs after a snapshot and inspects the values produced. In other words, it runs adjacent to the simulation.

3 Event Processing Plugin (EPP) Value definitions
Using Factory.results() a value is defined and collected. Collector.add(…) is used to capture the value All types that are possible to collect and how they are collected is shown in the following table.

4 Event Processing Plugin (EPP) Value definitions
Type Definition Collection Vector Factory.results().value(“vectorName”, “unit”); collector.add(def, 3.2); Integer Factory.results().single(“intName”,”unit”); collector.add(def, 22); Long Factory.results().single(“longName”,”unit”); collector.add(def, L); Double Factory.results().single(“doubleName”,”unit”); collector.add(def, 2.3); String Factory.results().single(“stringName”,”unit”); collector.add(def, “value”); Bar chart Factory.results().multi(“barName”,”x-axis”,”y-axis”); collector.add(def, new BarChartValue(“name”, 3.4)); Scatter Factory.results().multi(“scatterName”,”x-axis”,”y-axis”); collector.add(def, new Point2D(1.3, 2.5)); Function Factory.results().function(“functionName”,”x-axis”,”y-axis”); Function fun = Factory.functionFactory() .constantFunction(2.3); collector.add(def, fun);

5 Event Processing Plugin (EPP) Value definitions
Running all of the above code snippets in an EPP produces the following output in the SEAMCAT results tab:

6 EPP Exercise Sample Event Processing Plugin: In this exercise we will implement a simple Event Processing Plugin and see how it works inside SEAMCAT. To start the exercise you need to access the file (under the src folder) in IntelliJ.

7 EPP Exercise Unzip the file and import it as a project into intelliJ. Set it up as described in the Computer Setup presentation Open the file:

8 EPP: Implement the class
Fill out the code following the comments in Step 1 to 2:

9 As described in the Computer setup presentation:
EPP: Build the .jar file As described in the Computer setup presentation: Build the .jar file : press Build -> Build Artifacts... -> Exercise2.jar -> Build The generated artifact is available under the folder out -> artifacts -> Exercise2_jar

10 EPP: Install the .jar file in SEAMCAT
Open the new EPP from the Event Processing Plugin library in SEAMCAT. The plugin named Sample EPP should appear:

11 Add this EPP to the scenario
EPP: Run the plugin Add this EPP to the scenario

12 Running the scenario will give the following results
EPP: Run the plugin Running the scenario will give the following results Double clicking will show the rx points collected:

13 Running the scenario will give the following results
EPP: Run the plugin Running the scenario will give the following results Double clicking will show the rx points collected. There are 10 collected points from each snapshot and they appear in random order

14 EPP: Run the plugin Turning the simulation events up to 1000 the picture shows a circle shape more clearly:

15 EPP: Run the plugin Change the victim system to OFDMA UpLink Configure it with the following layout:

16 EPP: Run the plugin Run the simulation with 10 events.
You will obtain the following layout. The squares correspond to the receiver positions (base stations). In contrast to the generic system, here the positions are fixed so each event will capture 19 Rx positions.


18 Questions?

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