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Chemistry of Elements CHEM-E4130 (5 cr) B202b

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1 Chemistry of Elements CHEM-E4130 (5 cr) B202b
Lectures (11 x): Monday – 12.00 Wednesday – 12.00 Friday – 12.00 Lecturers: Maarit Karppinen Eeva Rautama Antti Karttunen B202b Lectures: 11 x ca. 2 h Home problem solving 40 h Independent homework 60 h Exam 3 h MARKING Exam 50 points: min. 10 p Lecture exercises 25 points: 10 x 2.5 p; min. 10 p Seminar 25 points: 15 – 25 p; min. 15 p The course covers the basics of the chemistry of elements. Emphasis on the d-block transition metals, lanthanoids and actinoids After the course the student will be able to: Explain the basic features of the transition metal chemistry Derive the basic chemical and physical properties of d-block and f-block transition metals from their electron structures Name the coordination compounds and describe their structures Describe the most important compounds of transition elements and name their applications Find and read basic scientific literature on a given topic related to the chemistry of elements REFERENCE BOOKS Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, G. Rayner-Canham & T. Overton, W.H. Freeman and Company. Chemistry of the Elements, N.N. Greenwood & A. Earnshaw, Pergamon Press. Inorganic Chemistry, C.E. Housecroft & A.G. Sharpe, Pearson.

2 LECTURE SCHEDULE 2017 Date Topic EXAM: Dec 14, 9.00-12.00
1. Mon Overview of Elements, Periodic Properties & Periodic Table (Eeva) 2. Wed Short Survey of the Chemistry of Main Group Elements (Eeva) 4. Mon Redox Chemistry (Eeva) 5. Wed Transition Metals: General Aspects & Crystal Field Theory (Eeva) 6. Mon Ag, Au, Pt, Pd & Catalysis (Antti) 7. Fri Zn + Ti, Zr, Hf & Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) 8. Mon Cr, Mo, W & Metal Complexes 9. Wed Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu & Magnetism and Superconductivity 10. Fri Resources of Elements & Rare/Critical Elements & Element Substitutions 11. Wed Lanthanoids + Actinoids & Luminescence 12. Fri Inorganic materials chemistry research EXAM: Dec 14,

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