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Causes of the CW Continued…

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1 Causes of the CW Continued…

2 COMPROMISE OF 1850 For the North For the South 6 Terms:
California admitted as a free state For the North Slave trade abolished in District of Columbia Texas gave up its western lands for $10 million New Mexico & Utah organized under popular sovereignty For the South Fugitive Slave Law passed

3 Fugitive Slave Law 7 Return escaped slaves to their state & owner
All citizens expected to help 3

4 Uncle Tom’s Cabin 8 By Harriet Beecher Stowe Lived in Cincinnati, Ohio
Published in 1853 Following the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act Lived in Cincinnati, Ohio Home was a trail on the Underground Railroad Based the book on case histories from escaped slaves Persuaded more people particularly northerners to become abolitionists

5 Repealed the Missouri Compromise
9 KANSAS-NEBRASKA ACT Repealed the Missouri Compromise Stephen Douglas calls for POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY (vote) on slavery in the territories

6 Race for control of Kansas (Abolitionist & Missouri settlers)
9 Race for control of Kansas (Abolitionist & Missouri settlers) Only 1,500 people in KS…but 6,000 people vote in election Kansas had 2 governments – Free & Slave

7 Debate over slavery in territory War broke out over the debate (1856)
10 BLEEDING KANSAS Debate over slavery in territory War broke out over the debate (1856) Pro-slavery raids took place in Lawrence John Brown raided pro-slavery parts of Kansas to raise abolitionist support

8 11 VIOLENCE IN THE SENATE In 1856, Senator Charles Sumner (Mass.) gave a speech on the “Crime Against Kansas” condemning the South’s desire to expand slavery Senator Preston Brooks (SC) believed Sumner was insulting his uncle, Senator Andrew Butler Since Sen. Butler was not present to defend himself, Sen. Brooks (SC) beat Sen. Sumner with his cane while Sumner was seated at his desk Showed the brutal nature of the debate & Brooks was seen as a hero in South Carolina (it even helped him get reelected)

9 The party and its power grew after “Bleeding Kansas”
12 Republican Party (1854) Founded to “establish liberty & overthrow the power of slavery” SLAVERY – MORAL, SOCIAL, and POLITICAL EVIL AGAINST THE EXPANSION OF SLAVERY The party and its power grew after “Bleeding Kansas”

10 Scott sued for his freedom because he had lived on free soil
13 Dred Scott vs. Sandford Scott sued for his freedom because he had lived on free soil Court’s Opinion: 1. Blacks (free or slave) cannot bring suit in federal court because they are not citizens 2. The MO Compromise had violated the Constitution & Congress had no right to deprive citizens of private property 3. Congress cannot exclude slavery in territories

11 Dred Scott Results Court case added to division between North & South
13 Dred Scott Results Court case added to division between North & South Increased fear that slavery would be legalized in the North Chief Justice Roger Taney Dred Scott Clip: Dred Scott Supported by President James Buchanan & it split the Democratic Party Decision destroyed all previous compromises over slavery Slavery now protected by law & by the Constitution

12 Lincoln-Douglas Debate
14 Lincoln-Douglas Debate Stephen Douglas’ Senate seat was up for election & Abraham Lincoln was nominated by the Illinois Republicans to challenge Main topic was slavery Douglas believed it was a state issue Lincoln believed it was a moral wrong & a national problem needing a national policy "A house divided against itself cannot stand.  I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.  I do not expect the union to be dissolved, I do not expect the house to fall, but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all of the other." Douglas won reelection to the Senate Lincoln became nationally known as a rising star in the Republican Party

13 John Brown Raid 15 Attacked arsenal @ Harpers Ferry, VA
Hoped to take the town & arm slaves for a revolt Clip: John Brown’s Raid He failed & was hanged as a traitor THE SOUTH WAS PARANOID OF REBELLIONS LIKE THIS HAPPENING AGAIN…NORTH AFRAID/UNCERTAIN


15 16 Lincoln was not included on southern ballots
South did not approve of Republican victory

16 17 Secession Crisis On December 20, 1860, South Carolina seceded because of Lincoln’s victory By February 1861 TX, LA, MS, AL, FL, and GA had seceded. They chose Jefferson Davis, a Mississippi senator, as their president. Those states met at Montgomery, Alabama, to formed a new nation and government, called the Confederate States of America.

17 Response to Secession President Buchanan argued against secession
18 Response to Secession President Buchanan argued against secession Believed the states did not have the right to withdraw No response of action Sen. John Crittenden (KY) Developed a compromise plan in Congress (02/1861) Americans waited for President-elect Lincoln Many were waiting on his the inauguration Lincoln spoke forcefully against secession Assured the South he did not intend to abolish slavery in the South Main goal was to maintain the union

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