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CU ATLAS Practical electronics Making NOISE with the 555 TIMER

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1 CU ATLAS Practical electronics Making NOISE with the 555 TIMER
Wayne Seltzer – Feb 27, 2016

2 Learning Objectives How can we create signals?
Understand the Resistor/Capacitor (RC) circuit Build a tone generator with a 555 timer Optional: Solder the circuit on a perfboard

3 How can we create signals?
Signal = value that changes over time What are other examples of signals?

4 Resistor/Capacitor (RC) Circuit
Source: Vc is the voltage across the capacitor Vs is the supply voltage t is the elapsed time since the application of the supply voltage RC is the time constant of the RC charging circuit

5 Neon bulb RC blinker (oscillator)
110 volts AC

6 555 timer astable oscillator
+ 5 volts 102 = 10 x 102 =1K 103 = 10 x 103 =10K 1K 10K 220 optional LED

7 Discussion Topics Change the capacitor and/or resistor values to change the frequency and duty cycle Construct the 555 circuit by soldering the components on a perfboard Build a tone generator using an Arduino. What are the advantages/disadvantages vs. the 555 timer circuit?

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