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Kimberly Chastain Volcanoes.

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Presentation on theme: "Kimberly Chastain Volcanoes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kimberly Chastain Volcanoes

2 Table of Contents Types of volcanoes Volcanoes in Continents
Parts of volcanoes Locations of volcanoes Multiple Eruption Volcanoes Examples of Each Type of Volcano S3E1 – Students will investigate the physical attributes of rocks and soils.

3 Types of Volcanoes

4 Shield Volcano Circular base, gentle slopes, basaltic, non-explosive.

5 Composite Volcano Large, explosive, fragments plus lava

6 Cinder Cone Volcano Small, steep, ejected material returns.

7 Volcanoes around the world

8 Volcanoes Around the world

9 Parts of Volcanoes Crater Side Vent Lava Main Vent

10 World Map of Volcanoes

11 Multiple Eruption volcanoes
Kilauea- Hawaii Vesuvius- Italy Mt. St. Helen- Washington March 2005 March 18, 1944 September 23, 2004 November 2000 79 AD May 18, 1980

12 Mount St. Helen

13 Mt. Kilauea

14 Mt. Parícutin

15 Examples of Types of Volcanoes

16 Click to Start Video Clip More Volcano Information

17 I hope you enjoyed learning about volcanoes!
Let’s Go erupt our own!

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