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The BSW major What you need to know!

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1 The BSW major What you need to know!

2 Who is your Social Work advisor?
Colleen Hansen Her office is Swart 236 -

3 When do I see a social work advisor?
You will start out with an advisor from the Student Success Center for your first and possibly second semester. This advisor will assist you with USP courses and 100 level social work courses Around your second or third semester you can connect with a social work advisor. This advisor will direct you with social work courses and help prepare you to apply to the program.

4 How do I sign up with Social Work advisor?
Request an appointment through Google calendar

5 Applying to the Social Work program
First step- declare Social Work as your major This can happen when you are admitted to the university or if you change your major.

6 Applying to the Social Work program
Second step Completion of USP courses AND 100, 200 level Pre-Social Work courses

7 What USP courses do I need?
You will take the required Quest, Explore, and Connect USP courses as outlined by the university. BUT for the Social Work major you will also need to complete: Political Science (3cr), PBIS (3cr)(or comparable 3 cr stats course)

8 Social Work Pre-requisite courses
You must start out your Social Work courses with 93-167, Intro to Social Work. Course offered: Fall, online during the Summer

9 Social Work Pre-requisite courses
After completing Intro to Social Work, you are then able to take : Family Life Cycles, and Interpersonal Skills. These courses can be taken concurrently. Courses are offered in Fall, Spring. SW 220 is offered online during the Summer. You are able to take SW 167, SW 220 concurrently online during the Summer.

10 So when can I apply to the program?
Applications to the Social Work major are ONLY accepted in the Spring. Shortly after the beginning of second semester the BSW application will be available online. The application will be located on the Social Work website The application is due the Friday before Spring Break (late applications are NOT accepted).

11 BSW Program Requirements
Completion of course (USP, 100/200 SW) requirements Completion of 50 hours of a volunteer experience (your paid employment may count towards this, see your BSW advisor) Maintaining a gpa of 2.5 or higher (our program is very competitive) Essay question Explanation of charges or convictions

12 How do I know if I'm ready to apply?
ALL required course work (USP courses, Social Work courses) MUST be completed by the end of the Spring Interim. You can be completing coursework during the semester you apply, BUT it must be completed by the end of Spring Interim. Volunteer experience of 50 hours MUST be completed by the due date of the application. You’ve achieved a GPA of 2.5 or higher

13 What do I need to do for volunteer hours?
Students must complete 50 hours of a recent volunteer experience. The experience MUST involve working with a population similar to a Social Work population. Related paid work experience may be counted, BUT your advisor needs to sign off on this. The 50 hours can come from more than one agency. A Volunteer Form is located on the Social Work webpage. This must be signed by your supervisor.

14 What GPA do you look at? Your STAR will list a Pre Social Work Major category. Under this listing contains ALL the courses that are factored into a Social Work Foundation GPA include: USP, Pol Science, PBIS, 3 Pre Social Work pre req courses. The Foundation GPA MUST be 2.5 or higher. Keep in mind that this is a very competitive program, not all students with a 2.5 are able to be admitted

15 Example of what your STAR looks like
NO PRE-SOCIAL WORK (J93099/ )         MUST EARN 2.5 GPA ON COURSES USED TO MEET USP      EARNED 7 SUB-REQS GPA --> NEEDS: 3 SUB-REQS GPA    + 1) WBIS OR EQUIVALENT                                 1 COURSE TAKEN        S .00 OTHR - TRN - College English    + 2) SPEECH        B Fund Spch Comm (GE)            

16 Essay question The essay question will be part of an assignment in SW You will not have to redo the essay. If you are taking an alternative course for SW 298, you will need to complete the essay question as part of your application.

17 Explanation of charges and convictions
One of our Core Values is Integrity. We request that you thoroughly explain any charges or convictions that may appear on your record, and what you learned from the experience. You do not need to report TRAFFIC violations UNLESS this involved some type of charge other than a ticket. Examples to report: underage drinking, theft, DUI/OWI, battery, etc. We need to know this information as it may impact our ability to place you in an internship.

18 When do I find out if I'm admitted or not?
The end of April, you will receive an stating if you have been admitted, provisionally admitted, or denied. Students that receive a provisional admission are in the process of completing coursework. Final decisions about admissions are made AFTER the Spring Interim when all the final grades are entered. You will then receive a final with a decision.

19 Important things to remember!
We accept about 47 students into the major If you do not complete your coursework by the end of Spring Interim, you may be denied admission. If you do not maintain your gpa as outlined in your provisional acceptance letter, you may be denied admission.

20 Questions???

21 program/advising

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