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Peachtree Ridge High School

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1 Peachtree Ridge High School
Sophomore Advisement

2 Who is your Counselor? Ms. Nikki Johnson Last Names A-Cl
Ms. Abbey Youngblood Last Names Cm-Harr Ms. Teresa Wilson Last Names Hars-Lee Mr. Cyrus Zareie Last Names Lef-O Ms. Dolly Glisson Last Names P-Si Mr. Joseph Pak Last Names Sm-Z

3 Overview of Graduation

4 How many credits are required for a high school diploma?
4 units of Language Arts 4 units of Math 3 units of SS (World History, US History and Political Systems/Economics) 4 Units of Science (Bio, Chem, Physics and another Science) 3 units of CTAE and/or Fine Arts and/or Foreign Lang. (2 years of foreign language required for many colleges) 4 Additional elective units for all students 1 unit of Intro. to Lifetime Fitness/Health or 3 units of JROTC 23 Credits Total

5 Testing Gateway -10th (Required) PSAT -Fall of 10th, 11th (Optional)
SAT -Spring of 11th (Recommended) * ACT -Spring of 11th (Recommended) * SAT II -Optional Advanced Placement (AP) Exams (Recom/Optional) SAT/ACT fee waivers available for students on free and/or reduced lunch (See your school counselor for details) PSAT: can qualify for National Merit contention if taken Junior Year

6 Graduation Requirement Myths
Community service hours needed Minimum G.P.A. requirement SAT/ACT testing

7 What should sophomores be doing now???
Consider taking rigorous courses next year, many colleges require it Become more involved in extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, volunteering, etc.) Start a portfolio or resume Explore post-secondary options Begin thinking about potential colleges and majors Create an account on Turn in a copy of your social security card

8 Move On When Ready (MOWR)
Curriculum Options Move On When Ready (MOWR) Opportunity to earn high school and college credit simultaneously Georgia Student Finance Commission administers the program which is funded through state appropriations MOWR pays a maximum of 15 hours per semester/12 per quarter at each eligible postsecondary institution the student attends each term. Students are able to attend the postsecondary institution part-time or full-time. Students must meet the post-secondary institution admission requirements to participate in the program Students may continue to participate in activities, clubs, and athletics at their high school Video Clip To find out more about MOWR students and parents must attend interest meeting on January 14, 2016 at 6 pm

9 Maxwell HS of Technology
Requirements: To attend Maxwell students must be a rising Junior/Senior and have at least 11 credits. Transportation is provided by the county. To attend Maxwell students must be a rising Junior and have at least 11 credits.

10 Grayson HS of Technology
Requirements: To attend Grayson students must be a rising Junior/Senior and have at least 11 credits. Transportation will NOT be provided by the county. Student is responsible for their own transportation. Audio Engineering Commercial Photography Culinary Arts Digital Media & Design IT & Network Systems Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice Music Technology Robotics Engineering Sports Medicine TV & Video Production Veterinarian Science Students much have completed 11 credits and be a rising Junior to attend Grayson High School.

11 Helpful Resources for Sophomores

12 Counseling Website

13 Georgia College 411

14 Big Future

15 Career Cruising

16 College Statistics Comparisons




20 Questions & Answers

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