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Recent developments for machine-actionable DMPs

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Presentation on theme: "Recent developments for machine-actionable DMPs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recent developments for machine-actionable DMPs
IG Active DMPs & IG Domain Repositories RDA 10th Plenary, Montreal 20 September 2017

2 Meeting agenda Introduction (brief!)
Lightning talks (8 × 5 min ea = 40 min) Discussion (40 min)

3 Why a joint session? Common themes, goals at last plenary
Experimenting on the same topic Successful outcomes require coordination among many stakeholders We should all be in the same room! Complex ecosystem, requires coordination Share experiences, not duplicate efforts, align requirements

4 What do we want machine-actionable DMPs to enable?
Researchers to manage their own data, discover & reuse other’s data Service providers to plan resources Institutions to provide effective services Funders to monitor grants

5 Meeting objectives Bring conversations together, align requirements
Interoperability Tailored guidance Any/all ideas open for discussion at the end Two VERY broad themes stated in session overview All ideas welcome

6 Lightning talks DMP Common Standards WG case statement
Exposing DMPs WG case statement RDM Protocols IEDA DMP project Australian Data Management Records FAIRsharing resources for DMPs DMPRoadmap project Force11 FAIR DMPs group Two new WG case statements Project-based presentations that address the themes, standards, prototypes, etc End with an update on related working group activities and how we can complement: Force11 FAIR DMPs

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