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The Linear Dynamic System and its application in moction capture

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1 The Linear Dynamic System and its application in moction capture
Lei Li Computer Science Department Carnegie Mellon University

2 Working example Given a sequence of motion capture data, to estimate the velocity and acceleration of each joint at every time stamp Scenario: observation with noise Application: Computer vision: object tracking Control: estimate missile trajectory Motion capture data: Other time series: economics data

3 Name Convention Developed by Rudolf Kalman in 1961
Also called linear dynamic system Could be easily interpreted using probabilistic graphical model Similar to Hidden Markov Model

4 Prerequisit A bit probability, esp. Gaussian Distribution
A bit linear algebra and matrix computation A bit about Expectation Maximization

5 The Linear Dynamic System
N(u0, V0) N(A∙z1, Γ) N(A∙zn, Γ) z1 z2 zn zn+1 N(C∙z1, Σ) N(C∙z2, Σ) N(C∙zn, Σ) x1 x2 xn xn+1 xn : observed position(e.g. x coordinate of left hand), one dimensional zn : hidden variable(e.g. actual pos, velocity, acceleration), three dimensional

6 The Linear Dynamic System
N(u0, V0) N(A∙z1, Γ) N(A∙zn, Γ) z1 z2 zn zn+1 N(C∙z1, Σ) N(C∙z2, Σ) N(C∙zn, Σ) x1 x2 xn xn+1 A : transition matrix Γ: transition variance, noises among transition

7 The Linear Dynamic System
N(u0, V0) N(A∙z1, Γ) N(A∙zn, Γ) z1 z2 zn zn+1 N(C∙z1, Σ) N(C∙z2, Σ) N(C∙zn, Σ) x1 x2 xn xn+1 C : transmission matrix Σ: transmission variance, observation noises

8 Example: motion capture data

9 Inference Given the parameters and the observation, estimate the posterior P(zi|x1, … xN;u0,V0,A, Γ,C,Σ ) Solution: forward-backward algorithm(sum-product)

10 Forward The posterior given the sequence up to current observation
Define: alpha(zn) = P(zn|x1, … xn) = assume N(un, Vn) N(u0, V0) N(A∙z1, Γ) N(A∙zn, Γ) z1 z2 zn zn+1 N(C∙z1, Σ) N(C∙z2, Σ) N(C∙zn, Σ) x1 x2 xn xn+1

11 Forward Define: cn+1 = P(xn+1|x1, … xn) N(u0, V0) N(A∙z1, Γ)
N(A∙zn, Γ) z1 z2 zn zn+1 N(C∙z1, Σ) N(C∙z2, Σ) N(C∙zn, Σ) x1 x2 xn xn+1

12 Forward Cn ∙ alpha(zn) = P(xn,zn|x1, … xn-1 )
= P(xn|zn) ∫ alpha(zn-1) ∙P(zn|zn-1) dzn-1 = N(C∙zn,Σ) ∫alpha(zn-1)∙N(A∙zn-1,Γ) dzn-1 N(un, Vn) N(un, Vn) Could get the close solution for the forward recursion:

13 Backward There is a similar backward recursion:
The posterior given the whole observation sequence Gamma(zn) = P(zn|x1, … xN) = ∫P(zn+1|x1, … xN) ∙ P(zn|zn+1 , x1, … xn) dzn+1 =∫ Gamma(zn+1) ∙ P(zn|zn+1 , x1, … xn) dzn+1 N(wn, Wn) N(wn+1, Wn+1)

14 Learning the Parameters
Given the observation, estimate the most likely parameters Maximize Expected Log-likehood J = E[ log P(z1, … zN , x1, … xN|u0,V0,A, Γ,C,Σ )] J is a convex function, could get close solution

15 A case study: Natural Motion Stitching
Problem: Given two motion-capture sequences that are to be stitched together, how can we assess the goodness of the stitching? Idea: Naive solution: Euclidean distance Dynamics based: compute the effort by approximating the work of making the intended transition

16 Motion stitching: instantaneous stitching

17 Motion stitching: elastic stitching

18 Result:

19 Result

20 Conclusion: Review the Kalman filter
Review the forward-backward algorithm Application to motion capture data

21 Thank you

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