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Requirements and Specifications for Si Pixels Sensors

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1 Requirements and Specifications for Si Pixels Sensors
in a CLIC Vertex Tracker A First Assessment M Battaglia CLIC WG-4 Meeting, CERN, April 22, 2010

2 Physics Motivation eTag = ebN (with N=2,4)
e+e-gH0A0gbbbb at 3 TeV Multiple b and t quarks expected as main distinctive signature of many of the CLIC flagship physics processes (SM, SUSY, …) Signal cross sections often only O(1 fb) and S/B ~ eTag = ebN (with N=2,4)  Need efficient b tag with low misid;

3 Track Extrapolation Resolution
Space Granularity Track Extrapolation Resolution e+e-gH0A0gbbbb at 3 TeV Imp. Par. Significance of Secondary Tracks

4 Track Extrapolation Resolution sIP
Space Granularity Track Extrapolation Resolution sIP VTX standalone Imp. Par. Resolution Given CLIC constraints this can be achieved with a multi-layered VTX with single point resolution ~ 3 mm, i.e. a ~ 10 mm binary pixel or a mm analog pixel with charge interpolation

5 Single Point Resolution
Space Granularity Single Point Resolution spoint vs. ADC bits for CMOS pixels active thick ~15 mm, pitch 40 mm spoint vs. pixel pitch for CMOS pixels active thickness ~15 mm, S/N ~ 20 spoint vs. S/N for SOI pixels active thick ~30 mm, pitch 10 mm Many ways to get to spoint ~3 mm, mostly technology/readout dependent, two track separation also important.

6 Machine-induced Backgrounds
Hit Density from incoherent pairs on VTX vs time from start of train GuineaPig +MOKKA G4 Simulation A Sailer Radius Pairs gg g hadrons 31 mm hits mm-2 ns-1 hits mm-2 ns-1 43 mm hits mm-2 ns-1 hits mm-2 ns-1 61 mm hits mm-2 ns-1 hits mm-2 ns-1 Need safety factor of 5-10 A Sailer + MB

7 Cluster Characterisation
Detector Occupancy: Cluster Characterisation Real Low-energy e- Clusters on CMOS Pixels Simulated Track Path Length in 50 mm of Si Clusters in CMOS 15 mm Pixels due to low energy electrons from 1.5 GeV e- beam on Al scraper at LBNL ALS High pt Tracks Pairs MB et al., IEEE TNS 55 (2008) De Masi,TIPP09 Expect hits/mm2/ns, but depending on technology and layout each hit spreads over few to > 10 pixels

8 Detector Occupancy MOKKA G4 Simulation + Marlin Reconstruction
Overlay pair hits to 3 TeV e+e- events and study standalone VTX pattern recognition efficiency/purity vs time stamping. 20 mm pixel, single hit efficiency 99.5% Efficiency for reco tracks with pt>0.5 GeV MOKKA G4 Simulation + Marlin Reconstruction (Very Preliminary) Quality Cuts: Trk Fit Prob > 0.1% Nhits > 3 No outlier hits At least one hit on innermost layer

9 Detector Occupancy 40 mm pixel pitch 20 mm pixel pitch
Requirements in terms of space granularity from occupancy and single point resolution are comparable

10 Material Budget: Si and Support 0.282% X0
STAR Low mass carrier: 50mm CFC+3.2mm RVC+50mm CFC (=0.11%X0); Impact Parameter Component Thickness (% X0) 50 mm Chip 0.054 Adhesive 0.014 Kapton Cable 0.090 Carrier 0.110 Total 0.282 Sensor Thickness mm a mm b 25 3.5 8.9 50 3.7 9.6 125 3.8 11.7 300 4.0 17.5

11 Power Dissipation and Cooling
Material Budget: Power Dissipation and Cooling Material minimisation dictates passive cooling, Preliminary tests with thin monolithic CMOS sensors on CFC ladder support structure in collaboration with STAR HFT indicate that 1-3 m/s airflow removes mW/cm2 without inducing large vibrations. Assuming power dissipation to be concentrated at the end of column, 20 mm pixels and 1 cm column height, this corresponds to a limit of ~0.15 mW/column This power budget appears to be realistic for a variety of monolithic pixel sensor technology, but is/will this be feasible when including time-stamping capabilities ? Is power pulsing at 50 Hz an option ? IR Camera Image Air Cooling Test Thin Chips Heating cable (80mW/cm2) T(0C)

12 (Cluster multiplicity
Data Rates Preliminary estimate from hit rates (Cluster multiplicity = 2.5 high p trks | = 5 pairs) physics 150 hits/layer 2500 pixels gg g hadrons 100 hits/layer/ns 1500 pixels/ns pairs 1900 hits/layer/ns 25000 pixels/ns CLIC ~190 Mpixels /s ~1-2 GB/s Mpixels /s 250 MB/s

13 Expect significant effort in detector benchmarking with physics, layout optimisation,
machine-induced background studies and reconstruction/analysis tools in the next 6 months (WG-3), which will better define granularity requirements; Some studies will include digitisation (need guidance on assumptions); Realistic material budget (sensor thickness, support structure, services, cables and connectors….) will be essential to these studies (again need guidance); Significant cross-feed of information and test configurations ahead of data production for simulation physics studies.

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