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in-orbit operations and achievements

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1 in-orbit operations and achievements
LYRA on-board PROBA2 in-orbit operations and achievements M. Dominique, J.-F. Hochedez et al. PROBA2 Workshop ESTEC, 2010/06/22

2 Routine activities Nominal acquisition: Nominal Calibration Weekly
Unit2 Integration time = 50 ms Calibration Dark current LED signal Back-up acquisition Acquisition with units1 and 3 Flat-field analysis Off-pointing sequence Bake out - decontamination Switch on of heaters (temperature reaches 50°C) Nominal Weekly Monthly Once every 6 months 2

3 Nominal acquisition Parameters of the mode IT 50 ms Unit(s) Unit 2 LED
Remark IT up to 10ms have been tested

4 Flares Lyra senses flares down to B1.5 at least
LYRA list of flares is in agreement with the one of GOES Always visible in the two XUV-EUV channels Some strong and impulsive flares are also visible in Lyman-alpha, which can then be used as a precursor

5 Flares M2.0 flare 2010/02/08 – 22h33

6 Calibration sequence More than one orbit needed to MSM detectors to reach stabilization. No significant difference between the LED signal at the beginning of the mission and the current one → the degradation is affecting the filters and not the detectors Dark current VIS LED UV LED Dark current UV LED VIS LED

7 Back-up acquisition UNIT 2 UNIT 1 7

8 Back-up acquisition UNIT 2 UNIT 3 8

9 Flat-field paving Paving step : 0.3°
The Hz channel signal doesn’t fit the modeled behavior based on pre-launch flat-field measurements slight imprinted degradation ???

10 Bake-out AB + CD heaters on for 24h Temperature increase of 10°
No significant effect on the data Next attempt: July 01 10

11 Specific campaigns Occultations Every orbit till March
Sun-Moon eclipses Stray light analysis SDO/EVE cross-calibration campaign Every orbit till March January 15 (annular from LYRA) July 11 (partial from LYRA) March 18-19 (still under analysis) May 3 11

12 Occultations Lyman alpha completely absorbed
Ly alpha Hz Al Zr Lyman alpha completely absorbed Contribution of longer wavelengths Attitude change

13 Sun-Moon eclipse Attitude change Occultation
This figure shows, first, the shadow of the moon crossing the sun, and then the regular eclipse by the shadow of the earth. It looks interesting because of the asymmetry in the short-wavelength channels 2-3 and 2-4. The reason could be the inhomogeneous distribution of EUV and X-ray radiation across the solar surface. Again, 30 seconds were added to LYRA time, such that the end of the little bumps in the upper right corner correspond to the attitude change of 05:19:31 UTC. The other eclipse around 09:00 UTC of the same day was not used here, because it was partially hidden by an earth eclipse. Disappearance and appearance of the active region behind the lunar disk

14 Cross-calibration with SDO/EVE
EVE aging effects are tracked by flying the same instruments on-board a rocket 1x/year LYRA cross-calibration campaign was scheduled during the first rocket flight 200 220 14


16 Auroral Oval Perturbations appearing around 75° latitude
2-3 days after a CME, flare ... Associated to geomagnetic perturbations Only in Al and Zr Spacecraft maneuvers SAA

17 And a fifth channel at 17.4nm...
... called SWAP!

18 State of the data processing pipeline
Current state In the future Telemetry packets Not distributed Not distributed LY-TMR: Raw data (in counts) fits LY-EDG Daily basis After each contact Lv1: Engineering data (in Hz) LY-BSDG fits Not available After each contact Lv2: Calibrated data (in W/m²) Plots + flare list available irregular systematic Other tools Higher level data products 18

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