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Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call
September 6, 2016
Agenda Month-by-Month Checklist 2016 Accountability
Assessment Administration Support and Communication
Month-by-Month Checklist
2016–2017 Month-by-Month Checklist
The 2016–2017 Assessment and Accountability Month-by-Month Checklist identifies key dates and deadlines for statewide assessment programs and accountability processes for next school year; provides action steps to ensure readiness for administering statewide assessments; and recommends resources for district and school staff. The checklist includes information on the following areas: Communication and Support Accessibility and Accommodations Assessment Preparation and Administration Accountability Reports *NEW: The 2016–2017 Month-by-Month Checklist has been updated to include more AP and CLEP dates Assessment Library.
September Month-by-Month Checklist
Communication and Support • September 1: Data Coordinators Call/Webinar • September 6: Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call and Webinar • September 7: District Planning Monthly Call and Webinar • September 14, 19, 20 and October 3: Teacher Leader Collaboration Events • September: Office hours begin, and are held on Tuesdays at 1pm. On the first Tuesday of the month, office hours will be held during the DTC monthly call. Assessment Preparation and Administration • September: LEAs that submitted the optional DRC data sharing agreement for non-summative assessments receive instructions and permissions to set up users
September Month-by-Month Checklist
Assessment Preparation and Administration September: Ensure staff refer to and use 2016–2017 accessibility and accommodations resources located in the Assessment Library to continuously evaluate and revise the Personal Needs Profile, IEP, IAP, and LEP documents September: Manage user accounts in eDIRECT for LEAP assessments September: Begin setting up TSMs for EOC administration Late September: Access and use fall technology readiness reports within the TRT to begin planning for online assessments Sept. 13 and 22: Register and attend Building and Sustaining an AP Program webinar presented by AP September 15, 23, and 29: Register and attend WorkKeys Test Groups and Batch Loading Training presented by ACT September 22 and 26: Register and attend WorkKeys Test Administration Training for Online Testing Webinar presented by ACT Sept. 27 and Oct. 6: Register and attend AP Course Audit webinar presented by AP
September Month-by-Month Checklist
Assessment Preparation and Administration September 30: Submit K - 3 assessment data. Schools should report K-readiness results through the DSC web application, and LEAs should submit K - 3 literacy assessment results using the K - 3 literacy assessment reporting form
October Month-by-Month Checklist
Communication and Support October 4: Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call and Webinar October 5: District Planning Monthly Call and Webinar October 6: Data Coordinators Call/Webinar October: Office hours held Tuesdays at 1pm Assessment Preparation and Administration October: Utilize the technology readiness tools to determine that devices are correctly configured for fall EOCs October 1: NAEP deadline for selected schools to register school via MyNAEP Oct. 6: Register and attend AP Course Audit webinar presented by AP October 10: Manage user accounts in eDIRECT for EOC assessments
October Month-by-Month Checklist
Assessment Preparation and Administration October 12, 24: Register and attend WorkKeys Test Groups and Batch Loading Training presented by ACT October 14, 24: Register and attend WorkKeys Test Administration Training for Online Testing Webinar presented by ACT October 28: EOC Fall 2016 deadline to finalize IEP, IAP, and LEP accommodations prior to fall EOC administration
Student Test Histories
Accessing Student Test Histories
LDOE created a guidance document on searching and downloading the histories in LIQ. The Department is also in the process of upgrading the test history warehouse to provide more features and access to additional assessments. Moving out of LEADS Inquiry, so LEAs can limit user access to assessments only Allowing LEAs to download complete assessment history for every student submitted to eScholar for the year, regardless of where test was taken Adding assessments like ACT, WorkKeys, CLEP, AP, IB, TS Gold, etc. Providing access for non-public schools Update/Enhancement Timeline Assessments Available August - EOC & K-8 (after data cert ends) New Warehouse Structure Complete September All EOC and K-8 Available in New System October Remaining Tests Available in New System December
2016 Accountability
ESSA 2025 Implemented in 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) maintains the NCLB requirement that states, districts, and schools maintain uniform measurement, reporting of results, and rating of schools. However, states and districts have greater discretion to design elements of the improvement systems than existed under NCLB. ESSA requires that every state submit a plan to the federal government in roughly the next year. The plan should build on what is working to help students overcome challenges and to provide teachers clarity and consistency. To inform the design of the ESSA plan for the state, the Department scheduled meetings with key stakeholder groups to discuss the opportunities for improving Louisiana’s education system through ESSA.
ESSA 2025 Engagement The Department is working closely with our state’s advisory group to refine our state’s ESSA plans, based on feedback from stakeholders, including the following: Louisiana Accountability Commission Superintendents Advisory Council Charter School Leaders Early Childhood Advisory Council Special Education Advisory Panel Louisiana Teacher Leader and Supervisor Collaborations Board of Regents/Higher Education For more information on Louisiana’s ESSA plan development, visit or us at
Upcoming Accountability Commission Meetings
Meeting Date Purpose September 12, 2016 Proposal discussions October 17, 2016 November 1, 2016 Consider proposals in total December 5, 2016 Recommend final proposals prior to BESE consideration
New Accountability Resources
Two new recorded accountability webinars are available in the accountability library, which explain how school and district performance scores are calculated and provide updates to policy for School Performance Score Updates District Performance Score Updates District and school subgroup with subclaim CSV files will be available in DRC eDirect by September 15. These files can be used to: focus instruction based on strengths and weaknesses identify gaps between subgroup performance, and guide programmatic and budgetary decisions
Data Certification
Data Certification DCAI and ACT Rosters: LA Data Review is closed for new submissions to DCAI and ACT. The system remains open for communication and updates of previously-submitted requests. Districts should not submit requests for Carnegie credit updates. Official transcripts in STS must be updated by September 9 in order to update Carnegie credits. Assessment Rosters: Data certification for Spring 2016 assessments is open and has been extended to September 9. Cohort Graduation Rosters: A final certification of cohort graduation rosters was provided for review of index points affected by Dual Enrollment issues and CLEP scores. All requests for review should now be posted to the ftp. Please send an to if documentation is available for review. K8 Progress Point Rosters: K8 progress point eligibility flags are available on the assessment rosters. An eligibility flag of Yes indicates that a student has a non-proficient score and a state assessment score. The flag does not indicate that the student exceeded the VAM goal. Individual goals will be included on the K8 progress point rosters to be released after assessment data certification closes.
2016 Assessment Administration
Non-Summative Assessments
and EAGLE 2.0 Transition
Non-Summative Assessments
In order to support the use of non-summative assessment practices during the transition to new standards and state assessments, the Department will provide school systems with: high quality assessment items; meaningful information on student performance throughout the school year; access to the same formative systems and processes they will utilize for the summative assessments.
Non-Summative Assessments Goals and Priorities
Develop high-quality summative and non-summative assessments that align to Louisiana Student Standards, provide a complete picture of student learning, which includes access to Grade 3-HS diagnostic assessments Grade 3-HS interim assessments Ongoing classroom assessments (EAGLE 2.0 and K-2 Formative Tasks) Annual state summative assessments provide districts and schools with access to one delivery system for all summative and non-summative assessments.
EAGLE 2.0 Transition In August, the Department began conducting quality control checks to ensure that EAGLE items were transferred and rendered correctly in the new platform. This month, Districts (District Test Coordinators) will be given permissions and instructions to set up district/school level access. Every Tuesday at 1pm, the Department will host office hours to answer specific EAGLE 2.0 questions. Click here to participate. See below for a list of topics and dates. Date Topic Audience September 6, 2016 Accessing and Creating Users in eDirect District Administrators September 13, 2016 Preparing for District Uploads September 20, 2016 Building and Administering Tests September 27, 2016 Accessing Reports
Initial Users in eDIRECT
Just as in , DRC has set up District Test Coordinators as eDIRECT users. District Test Coordinators setup additional district and school level users. Any users set up by districts in are still active. Additional user setup is required to access the eDIRECT secure portal. All users, once setup, will receive an from DRC with their eDIRECT user id (their address) and temporary password. Users must log in to reset the password within 10 days of receipt of . If you miss this window contact DRC customer support.
eDIRECT First Time Log On
Once users click on the URL in the notice, they will be routed to eDIRECT where they will be required to complete the auto-prompt password reset.
Entering Individual Users in eDIRECT
To add a single user from the User Management menu: Select User Administration (EAGLE) Click on the Add Single User tab Fill out the required fields Recommendations for permissions will be made based on the user role Select the applicable permissions
Uploading Multiple Users in eDIRECT
To upload multiple users from the User Management menu: Select User Administration (EAGLE) Click on the Upload Multiple Users tab Review the required file layout by clicking on File Layout and Sample File. When .CSV file is formatted, browse and click Upload
Adding EAGLE 2.0 to Users Already in eDIRECT
Permission sets will need to be assigned to eDIRECT users added through Upload Multiple Users and for users that need EAGLE added to their permissions. 1. Select User Administration 2. Click on the Edit User tab, enter search criteria, click Find User to display a list of users, and select the Profiles tab. 3. Check the checkbox on the left hand column for each user profile you want to edit. 4. Click on Copy to New Administrations 5. Select the Administration 6. Click on Save.
EAGLE 2.0 Functions available in early September:
Assign students to tests Create and edit tests Search and view items Access real-time reports
K-3 Assessments
K–3 Assessments: Administration and Reporting
LEAs must report assessment results in the fall for kindergarten readiness and for K–3 literacy. Click here to view K-3 Assessment Guidance. Next Steps: Report K-3 assessment data by September 30. Assessment Type Assessment Grade level Administration Window Reporting Deadline Reporting Location K-readiness Screening DSC First-time Kindergarten students 30 days from the first day of school Sept 30 DSC: DSC web application K-Readiness pilot: assessment vendor’s system, or an LDOE data collection template K–3 Literacy Screening Approved K–3 literacy assessment (District selected) K-3 One week after the start of school; continues 15 school days K - 3 literacy assessment data file template available in the Assessment Library. The data for the pilot assessments will be collected by the vendor or on a LDOE data collection template. Contact Jill Slacks for questions concerning the K-readiness pilot.
K–3 Assessments: Accessing DSC Data
The Department is piloting K-readiness assessments this school year, as is the last year LEAs are required to use the DSC for kindergarten screening. In October, the Department will move away from utilizing the DSC web application for data management, and will conclude covering the cost for use of the web application. The DSC web application will be available throughout October. LEAs will be able to access the DSC system and retrieve student data and reports until October 31, 2016. After October 31, 2016, LEAs that wish to retrieve their data will be able to do so by submitting a request to Red-e-Set Grow before the end of the school year. Next Steps: Retrieve all DSC data from the DSC web application prior to October 31.
K–3 Assessments: Developing Skills Checklist (DSC) Webinars
DSC webinars with detailed instructions are available on the DSC site: The webinars are pre-recorded and may be accessed at any time. LEAs with questions about user accounts should contact Red-e Set Grow at , opt. 2. Webinar Audience Importing Kindergarten student DSC data Kindergarten coordinators SIS data managers Navigating the web application Administrators Teachers Entering results in Overview of reporting child and classroom results in
K–3 Assessments: Literacy Reporting
All LEAs All LEAs are required to report K–3 assessment beginning of the year results by Sept. 30, 2016, using the form located in the Assessment Library. The K-3 Assessment Guidance can be found here. DIBELS Scores and Levels for Reporting Achievement Levels for Reporting Form Kindergarten: First Sound Fluency score <10 = below level, = on level, 30+ = above level First Grade: Nonsense Word Fluency-Correct Letter Sounds score <27 = below level, = on level, 43+ = above level Second Grade: Oral Reading Fluency-Words Correct score <52 = below level, = on level, 72+ = above level Third Grade: Retell score <20 = below level, = on level, 26+ = above level •
Advanced Placement
Advanced Placement: Late Testing
Schools impacted by flooding can request alternate/late testing in March. Contact AP Services for Educators from March 1-31, 2017 at or by ing
Technology Readiness
Online Tools Training The Online Tools Training (OTT) should be utilized in order to become familiar with the online testing tools (e.g., highlighter, magnification, etc.) used for the operational test. Additionally the OTT: may be reviewed as many times as desired; is not to be considered representative of an actual test; is available once Insight is installed or by link using Google Chrome browser; is now available for grades 3-8 and will be available for EOCs next week. Note: The Google Chrome browser must be used when accessing the OTT via the hyperlink.
Testing Site Manager (TSM)
The Testing Site Manager (TSM) is required for online testing in the DRC INSIGHT system. It is available in both a 32 and 64 bit version and provides for content and response caching as well as additional diagnostic tools. The 64 bit version is required when a TSM will be serving more than 150 simultaneous testers. Both versions are now available in eDIRECT. Districts should begin preparing TSM and testing devices for the November EOCs. Content Caching •Content Caching stores test content on the TSM. •When students login to test, cached content is retrieved from the TSM instead of from DRC’s servers, thereby reducing demands on Internet bandwidth. Response Caching •Response Caching buffers and stores test responses on the TSM if testing computers stop communicating with the DRC INSIGHT servers. •Cached responses are stored on the TSM for transmission to DRC when the connection to DRC INSIGHT servers has been re-established. •Testing can continue if the connection to DRC is disrupted, but cached responses must be transmitted to DRC before the student can log into the same test again.
Transitioning to Online Assessments: Resources and Next Steps
The resources below have been updated and are available to support districts in preparing for the transition to online assessments. Resource Audience Action Device Requirements *clarified August 30 Technology coordinators Determine device compatibility with the assessment platform Digital Literacy Guidance Curriculum and technology coordinators, principals, teachers Authentically incorporate technology into instruction on a regular basis Month-by-month Checklist Test and technology coordinators, principals Take action steps to prepare for assessments Online Tools Training (OTT) for grades 3-8 *EOC available by Sept 15 Curriculum and technology coordinators, principals, teachers, students Use the OTT to engage teachers and students in the online platform
DRC Insight
New eDIRECT Portal Page
The eDIRECT Portal Page was updated with the following enhancements: New design of portal page and navigation; no changes to eDIRECT functionality Ability to reset own passwords Navigation moved from left to top Test Setup separated into Student Management, Test Management, Teacher Management, and Device Toolkit
NAEP Data Sharing Agreement
Districts wishing to sign the NAEP data sharing agreement should a signed addendum to The agreement can be found here. Administration Update Letters with log-ins for myNAEP were distributed to selected districts the week of 8/29. Please ensure the NAEP STC completes myNAEP registration and the questions below: Last Day of School Before Winter Break* Date School Back from Winter Break* School Start and End Times* *Note that dates and times can be changed in the myNAEP system as many times as possible to coincide with school schedule changes.
Assessment Resources
Forms Update Updates are being made to include the transition to online assessments and access for all and accessibility features. Updated IEP, LEP, and IAP forms will be available in the upcoming weeks. Share this information with 504 Coordinators and Special Education Supervisors.
LEAP 2025: ELA and Math Summative Assessment Materials Timeline
Assessment Item Release Overview of Summative Assessments Available now: provides general information about the statewide summative assessments LEAP Online Tools Training (OTTs) Available now in INSIGHT or here using the Chrome browser: provides educators and students opportunity to practice using the tools available in the online testing platform (mid-fall update to reflect any changes based on 2017 assessments) September Collaboratives Mid-September: provides high-level information about the summative and non-summative components of the comprehensive assessment system Assessment Guides October: provides more-detailed information about the test design and includes samples illustrating the various item types Online and paper-based practice tests Winter: provides educators and students with a full-length practice test that mirrors the operational test design
EOC Resources Assessment Item Release
Assessment Guides: Biology, US History Available now: provides information about the test design and links to additional resources EOC Online Tools Training (OTTs) Available in September in INSIGHT or here using the Chrome browser: provides educators and students opportunity to practice using the tools available in the online testing platform Updated Assessment Guides: English II, English III, Algebra I, and Geometry Mid-September: provide information about the test design, including information about how the assessments are changing to reflect the Louisiana Student Standards, and links to additional resources Updated Sample Items Documents for English II, English III, Algebra I, and Geometry Mid-September: provide sample questions illustrating how specific standards may be assessed on the EOC assessments, including updated alignments to the Louisiana Student Standards
Support and Communications
September Supervisor & Teacher Leader Collaborations
Sessions at the September collaborations will focus on topics that will help you ensure a smooth assessment administration. Dates & Locations 9/14: Bossier Parish School for Technology & Innovative Learning, Bossier 9/19: Claiborne Building, Baton Rouge 9/20: Jefferson Parish District Office, Harvey 10/3: Claiborne Building, Baton Rouge Times Supervisor Collaborations: 8:30–12:30 Teacher Leader Collaborations: 1:30–4:30 Registration for the September Supervisor and Teacher Leader collaborations closes Friday, Sept 9. Click here for details: Supervisor Collaboration Overview, Teacher Leader Collaboration Overview Reach out with questions about these events. Sessions include: New DTC Induction Preparing for Fall EOCs in the New Online Platform Early Childhood Assessments Digital Literacy Data Governance
District Support The Assessment team offers multiple avenues of support to districts, schools, and teachers seeking information or assistance about assessment administration and accountability. All stakeholders are encouraged to assessment and accountability questions and/or concerns to Assessment Hotline For immediate assistance regarding assessment and accountability, district-level staff may call the Assessment Hotline at
Next Steps
Next Steps Key Dates Action September
Office hours begin, and are held on Tuesdays at 1pm OTT should be utilized in classrooms Begin setting up TSMs for EOC administration September 9 Last day to register for Teacher Leader Collaboration Events September 30 Submit K - 3 assessment data. For more information, contact Next call: October 4, 2016, at 1:00 p.m.
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