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What’s the Buzz In Second Grade? February 2nd, 2017 We are Learning:

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Presentation on theme: "What’s the Buzz In Second Grade? February 2nd, 2017 We are Learning:"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s the Buzz In Second Grade? February 2nd, 2017 We are Learning:
-Previewing Spelling List #21 Telling time to the quarter hour, measurement, story problems Reviewing phonics charts, ABC order, possessive properties Reviewing Shurley English jingles, parts of speech; topics 50 US States; Chapter 5 Flat Stanley Book Report How to write in our cursive journals About prayer and how important it is to our Christian walk Important Dates: -FCS Gala on February 11th!  -BA points due Feb. 8th -Our class field trip is coming up soon!  Wednesday, Feb. 22nd to Ms. Bee’s in Winter Garden and then picnic in the park! -Bible verse and family activity due Tues, Feb 28th -Race for Education on Wednesday, March 1st! A Note from Mrs. B  Happy February!  I hope that y’all have been enjoying this BEE-autiful weather lately! We definitely have as we enjoy our recess time. This week has been fun as we’ve been able to spend a lot of time in Bible reflecting on prayer and learning about how we should pray to the Lord. I love seeing how sincere your children are as we’ve been discussing scripture and what Jesus teaches us. We were also able to celebrate Ellie’s half birthday which was fun since she is FRESH to FCS! She is fitting in so well with the rest of our beehive, and if you haven’t reached out to the Love family, make sure to make them feel welcome!  Our class loves you, Ellie! Love in Christ, Mrs. B  Additional Information -Our bathroom still needs: Paper towels and hand soap Thanks to y’all who have brought stuff in already!!  -Our beehive needs: pencils and black expo markers -Please have your child bring in a wrapped book for our Valentine’s Day party exchange! Book can be used or if new, up to $10.

2 Happy ½ Birthday, Ellie, and Happy Birthday, Sophia!
What’s the Buzz In Second Grade February 2nd, 2017 Reminders: -Please send your child’s folder to school every day with the behavior chart signed, including Fridays. Homework checklist should be signed as well and turned in the following week. Items to put in folder: notes for Mrs. B, permission slips, money due, library books that need to be returned to the library or Mrs. B’s library, and of course homework. -If your child has a book out from Mrs. B, they can have them out for two weeks. After two weeks, Mrs. B will come buzzin’ for them!  -Library was on Tuesday, with our wonderful librarian, Netta! Make sure you’re staying on top of your BA points! Happy ½ Birthday, Ellie, and Happy Birthday, Sophia! Don’t forget to have your child review Phonics Charts and read for 15 minutes every day! Save the cursive chart, Book Adventure password, Shurley English capitalization and punctuation rules and phonics charts all year for when your student is working on HW! Spelling Words (Test Tuesday, Feb. 7th) Sleepy Every Frosty Very Faster Helper Vocabulary Words: Winner Courtesy:kindness; politeness Loudest Repent: to turn from Biggest Difficult: hard to do Softly Slowly Kindly Taken Eaten Frozen Dishes Washes Lunches Classes Houses Homework: Your child may turn in HW all in on Monday or on each due date throughout the week. If any additional HW is assigned during the week in class, you can find it in the folder! Please check the folder every day and remember to send it to school daily as well. Reading-Read every day for minutes! BA points-(45 due by Feb 8th); Book report due March 15th Math- Pg , (Due Monday) Spelling-List 21, Page 42; Complete front side and activity on the back; study words. (Due Tues, Feb. 7th) Test Tuesday! Phonics- Pg (Due Tuesday) Grammar- Bedroom Labeling Worksheet (Due Monday) History-Study 50 states! Test will be on March 2nd! The test format is in this week’s . :) Cursive-Cursive Journal Assignment (My Best Friend)- Due Thursday; Test on Wed, Feb. 8th Bible- Bible verse () and family activity due Feb. 28th

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