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The Finnish Cultural Foundation

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1 The Finnish Cultural Foundation

2 The Finnish Cultural Foundation
Private, non-profit making foundation. The Association of the Finnish Cultural Foundation was established in 1937, the Foundation in The purpose of the Foundation is to promote and develop the cultural and economic life in Finland.

3 Makes personal grants Distributes Cultural Activities
to individuals and groups working in science and the arts. to people and organisations in other fields of cultural life. Distributes awards in recognition of significant achievements in various fields of culture.

4 Arranges Maintains Cultural Activities
Courses, lectures and other events promoting Finnish cultural life. The Mirjam Helin International Singing Competition every five years Maintains The Kirpilä Art Collection. A Collection of Instruments containing 46 bowed string instruments

5 Art Testers Cultural Activities
- An invitation to the eighth-graders in Finland to experience and evaluate art In the largest campaign of its history, the Foundation will take three age groups of the eighth-graders to art institutions, beginning in autumn The project will reach nearly 200,000 people, including the teachers. The purpose of the Art Testers campaign is to provide young people with an opportunity to experience art, including art forms to which many would not otherwise have access. The total cost will be around EUR 20 million, depending on whether all eligible classes participate. The Swedish Cultural Foundation will invest around EUR 1.2 million in the project.

6 Central Fund and Regional Funds
Grants are awarded annually from the Central Fund, 17 Regional Funds and nearly 800 donor funds, in accordance with the donor’s wishes and the individual regulations governing each fund. Regional Funds promote and develop the cultural and economic life in their region.

7 Finances Donations M. EUR

8 Scientific Research 2017 (Central Fund)
Grants Scientific Research 2017 (Central Fund)

9 Grants Arts 2017 (Central Fund)

10 Grants of Central Fund and Regional Funds (EUR M.) 2003-2017

11 Regional Funds and their year of establishement
1. South Carelia Regional Fund 1962 2. South Ostrobothnia Regional Fund 1959;1963 3. South Savo Regional Fund 1961 4. Häme Regional Fund 1960 5. Kainuu Regional Fund 1954;1968 6. Central Ostrobothnia Regional Fund 1959;1963 7. Central Finland Regional Fund 1958 8. Kymenlaakso Regional Fund 1960 9. Lapland Regional Fund 1954;1968 10. Pirkanmaa Regional Fund 1961 11. North Carelia Regional Fund 1961 12. North Ostrobothnia Regional Fund 1954;1968 13. North Savo Regional Fund 1963 14. Päijät-Häme Regional Fund 1971 15. Satakunta Regional Fund 1959 16. Uusimaa Regional Fund 1963 17. Varsinais-Suomi Regional Fund 1964

12 Investment income (net) 2015-2016 49 M. EUR

13 Assets (market value, EUR M.) 2007-2016
(CPI adjusted) Finances

14 Finances Investment Income (CPI adjusted)

15 Expenditure (EUR M.) (CPI adjusted) Finances

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