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NOAA Transition to New Direct Readout Systems for GOES-R Presented to CGMS-44 WGI session, agenda item 3.2.

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Presentation on theme: "NOAA Transition to New Direct Readout Systems for GOES-R Presented to CGMS-44 WGI session, agenda item 3.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOAA Transition to New Direct Readout Systems for GOES-R Presented to CGMS-44 WGI session, agenda item 3.2

2 Getting Ready for the GOES-R Series: Transitioning from GVAR to GRB

3 GOES-R at Test Location – First 12 Months

4 Transitioning from GOES-13/14/15 to GOES-R
Improved data products for hemispheric retransmission “GOES Rebroadcast” (GRB) Faster full disk images: 5 minutes (Mode 4) - 15 minutes (Mode 3) Full set of Level 1b data: 6 GOES-R instruments (16 ABI channels) Requires new antenna, receiver hardware, and processing system to handle the new data volumes Receiver frequency shift from MHz to MHz Dual circular polarized signals Going from 2.11 Mbps (GVAR) to 31 Mbps (GRB) GRB down link specifications and data format specifications: GOES-R launch – 13 Oct 2016

5 Transition from GVAR to GRB
GOES Variable (GVAR) GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) Full Disk Image 30 Minutes 5 Minutes (Mode 4) 15 min (Mode 3) Other Modes Rapid Scan, Super Rapid Scan 3000 km X 5000 km (CONUS: 5 minute) 1000 km X 1000 km (Mesoscale: 30 seconds) Polarization None Dual Circular Polarized Receiver Center Frequency MHz (L-Band) MHz (L-Band) Data Rate 2.11 Mbps 31 Mbps Antenna Coverage Earth Coverage to 50 Data Sources Imager and Sounder ABI (16 bands), GLM, SEISS, EXIS, SUVI, MAG Space Weather ~2 Mbps Lightning Data 0.5 Mbps

6 GRB Downlink Characteristics
Input Center Frequency: MHz Content (specified for each of two polarization channels: LHCP, RHCP) L1b data, QC data and metadata: ABI, SUVI, EXIS, SEISS, MAG L2 data, QC data, metadata: GLM GRB Information Packets Data rate 31 Mbps maximum data rate 15.5 Mbps instantaneous maximum for each polarization channel Downlink link margin: 2.5 db Compression - Lossless compression required JPEG2000 (ABI, SUVI) and SZIP (GLM); EXIS, SEISS and MAG data will not be compressed Format Outer Frame Format: DVB-S2 Inner Frame Format: CCSDS Space Packet Coding BCH + LDPC (2/3) for 8-PSK and LDPC (9/10) for QPSK Modem Required C/No (dB-Hz): 78.6 Maximum Demodulator Required Eb/No (dB) for 1x10-10 BER: 3.7 dB (8 PSK); 3.9 dB (QPSK) Minimum Antenna System G/T (dB/K) : 15.2 db/K (at 50 Elevation)

7 GRB Ground Antenna Sizes
GOES-West GOES-East NOTES: Calculations based on available data as of May 2011 Each antenna size is usable within the indicated contour Rain attenuations included are: 1.3/1.6/2.0/2.2/2.5 dB (3.8 to 6 m) 4. An operating margin of 2.5 dB is included as the dual polarization isolation is likely to vary within each antenna size area

8 GOES-R System Architecture

9 GRB Resources for Users
GRB Downlink Specification Document for Users Provides GOES Rebroadcast radio frequency downlink characteristics, to enable the user community to develop GRB receivers GOES-R Product Users Guide (PUG) Describes the format and content of GRB data

10 Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) Geo Direct Broadcast
Open source software developed by SSEC/CIMSS: The GRB software package contains: Software capable of processing CCSDS packets and outputting NetCDF-4 files containing ABI Level 1b, GLM Level 2, and all space weather instrument L1b data. Software to generate GeoTiff and .png images for each ABI band. GEOCAT- developed by NESDIS/CIMSS Geo Cloud Algorithm Team

11 GOES-R Transition Summary
GRB allows real time distribution of all Level-1b GOES-R data products for direct read out users Direct Readout users need to upgrade their equipment for GOES-R Significant increase in data rate New data format Documents and updates to be posted on the GOES-R web site:

12 Transitioning HRIT/EMWIN from GOES NOP to GOES-R
NOAA NWS Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) is a priority-driven weather data broadcast service broadcast Alerts/Watches/Warnings Forecasts, Graphic Format Products and Imagery Low cost ground receive stations The NOAA NESDIS Low Rate Information Transmission (LRIT) is a collection of reduced resolution GOES and MTSAT imagery and products GOES Visible, Infrared and Water Vapor Imagery at 4 Km Spatial Resolution Himawari Visible, Infrared and Water Vapor Imagery on LRIT-West Tropical Storm Information Copy of GOES Data Collection Service (GOES-DCS) HRIT/EMWIN data service will be provided in the existing Global Specification for HRIT/LRIT The GOES-R HRIT/EMWIN service combines LRIT and EMWIN with GOES-DCS on a single ~ 1 Meter Antenna

13 Transitioning from LRIT and EMWIN to HRIT/EMWIN
LRIT / EMWIN Based on GOES NOP HRIT/EMWIN On GOES-R Series Full Disk, NH, SH images 3 Hourly Full Disk; .5 hour NH/SH; follows GOES East/West Schedule. RSO issue Variable but planned 3 Channels of Full Disk every 15 minutes Modulation LRIT BPSK EMWIN offset QPSK BPSK Receiver Center Frequency LRIT MHz (L-Band) EMWIN MHz (L-Band) MHz (L-Band) Data Rate LRIT 128 Kbps EMWIN 19.2 Kbps 400 Kbps Antenna Coverage Earth Coverage to 50 Imagery Data Sources GOES NOP Imager (IR,VIS,WV) MTSAT Imager ABI (3 or more bands) HBI (3 bands hourly-GOES W EMWIN Products Full Suite of Current Products Combined w/ LRIT Products GOES DCS Copy of DCS observations Copy of observations

14 Transitioning HRIT/EMWIN from GOES NOP to GOES-R
Improved data products for hemispheric retransmission Faster full disk images: between 15 and 30 minutes Warnings, Watches, Tropical Storm Information Copy of GOES Data Collection System (GOES DCS) Requires new antenna and receiver hardware Receiver frequency shift to MHz from: EMWIN MHz and LRIT BPSK Modulation; EMWIN shift from Offset QPSK Data Rate to a combined 400 Kilobits per Second from: EMWIN: 19.2 Kbps and LRIT : 128 Kbps (combined 147.2)

15 HRIT/EMWIN Transition Summary
HRIT/EMWIN will provide at least 3 channels of GOES-NOP and / or GOES-R imagery along with warnings, watches and forecast products along with a copy of the GOES-DCS observations New data rate, center frequency and modulation (EMWIN Users) Ground receive stations are COTS utilizing a 1 – 1.2 meter antenna Documents and updates to be posted on the GOES-R web site:

16 Back-up Slides

17 GRB Resources and Documentation
Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) GRB Prototype 0.1 Release Prototype release of the CSPP Geo GRB software that will allow Direct Broadcast users to process GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) data received on their antennas from the GOES-R satellite, after it is launched in 2016. The main functionality included in this release is to ingest a simulated GRB data stream, recover Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Level 1 and Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) Level 2 data payloads, reconstruct the datasets, and write output to mission-standard NetCDF files. Optionally, quick look images can be generated from the ABI radiances. Later releases will add support for recovering data from the remaining GOES-R instruments: SUVI, EXIS, MAG and SEISS. This software is supported on 64-bit Centos6-compatible Linux platforms. Publicly available for download (and free to use) at:

18 Details of the GRB Dual Polarized Signal
LHCP: L1b products from ABI 0.64 um band and 6 IR bands (3.9, 6.185, 7.34, 11.2, 12.3, and 13.3 um) RHCP: L1b products from ABI bands 0.47, 0.865, 1.378, 1.61, 2.25, 6.95, 8.5, 9.6 and 10.35um, L2+ GLM, L1b SUVI, L1b EXIS, L1b SEISS, and L1b Magnetometer products Ensures load balanced utilization of the two circular polarizations, allowing users to receive all GRB products with a dual-polarized system (both LHCP and RHCP), and allowing users flexibility to receive GOES Imager legacy channels with a single polarized system (LHCP only).

19 Details of the GRB Dual Polarized Signal
Reception of the GRB data requires a fixed dish antenna Dual feed horns connected to 2 Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs) The LNA outputs are connected to RF/IF down-converters RF/IF down-converters connected to DVB-S2 capable receivers The GRB downlink center frequency of MHz requires an antenna G/T of 15.2 dB/K for worst-case locations. This equates to a 4.5 meter dish with a system noise temperature of 120K. Most CONUS locations are anticipated to have acceptable performance with a 3.8 meter dish. You will need a new receive system from antenna to computer.

20 GRB Channel Content Summary
ABI L1b image Data (compressed) QC bits Metadata Space packet overhead SUVI L1b image Data (compressed) L2 Lightning Events/ Flashes/ Groups (compressed) L1b EXIS, MAG, SEISS science data GRB Information Packets CFDP Overhead Channel Synchronization and Coding Error Correction For each instrument: image data + metadata + CCSDS Space Packet overhead ABI has per pixel QC bits, coded separately ABI, SUVI, GLM compressed GRB Info packets via CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) Channel synchronization and coding (link layer) for DVB-S2 Error correction (LDPC) Note: This is a catalog of the contents and not a sequential organization of the stream ABI SUVI Included in two 15.5 Mbps Bandwidth channels GLM Other Info Packets

21 GRB Data Characteristics
Each GRB data packet contains two data structures. IPDU header containing information extracted from the transfer frames CCSDS packet containing instrument or satellite data Each CCSDS packet has a unique application identifier (APID): IPDU (32 Bytes) CCSDS Packet APID Start (Hex) APID End(Hex) Instrument 000 0FF Reserved 100 1FF ABI GRB 200 2FF GLM GRB 300 3FF EXIS GRB 400 4FF SEISS GRB 500 5FF SUVI GRB 600 6FF Mag GRB 700 710 Info GRB 711 7FF

22 GRB Data Packet CCSDS Structure
GRB CCSDS Packet Data Each packet is made up of four segments: Primary Header Specified by CCSDS Separate products have their own APID Secondary Header Always present in GRB Packets Conformant with CCSDS Secondary Header specification Contains Version Number and Packet Type Assembler ID identifies the uplink location of GRB Assembly generating the packet (WCDAS/RBU) Operational Environment identifies the Data Production Environment within the Ground System (OE, ITE, DE) GRB Data Payload (Science Data) Contains the actual product data Imagery, Atomic Blobs, or GRB Info CRC 32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) to assure packet was received correctly. GRB Data Packet CCSDS Structure 1 2 3 4

23 GRB Data Extraction

24 HRIT/EMWIN Downlink Characteristics
Coding – BPSK Convolutional rate ½ code with constraint length 7 concatenated with Reed Solomon (255,223) with Interleave = 4 Square Root Raised Cosine filtering using an Alpha factor of 0.3 The resulting “Necessary Bandwidth” for this signal will be MHz Modem Required: predicted C/No is in the range of dB Maximum Demodulator Required is - Eb/No is 4.6 dB for a BER of 1x10-8 after decoding Minimum Antenna System At 5 degree elevation, the minimum antenna is 1.2 meter. At 10 degrees or more elevation the minimum size is 1.0 meter Using a LNA or LNB with a system noise temperature of about 200 K will provide a G/T of 1.0 dB/K or -0.3 dB/K respectively

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