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Strengthening MAA Programs: Gaining Support of Organizational Leaders

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1 Strengthening MAA Programs: Gaining Support of Organizational Leaders
Mimi Hall Plumas County Public Health Agency 2017 LGA Annual Conference

2 Shifting the MAA Paradigm
Changing national and state funding Strengthening local resources Every local jurisdiction already performs, and expends CPE for, reimbursable activities MAA as part of local jurisdiction financing VS optional program

3 Changing Health Landscape
2010 Affordable Care Act 2014 Medi-Cal Expansion SUD, MH benefits 2014 Managed Care Medi-Cal expansion 2015 changes to inmate health 2017 New administration 3 district h

4 Identify MAA Opportunities: Big Picture
Public Health Accreditation Community Health Improvement Plans and Strategic Plans Whole Person Care Re-entry partnerships and initiatives Requirements for Community Health Assessments, Strategic Plans and Community Health Improvement Plans are an opportunity for MAA to align with broader organizational and community efforts

5 Identify MAA Opportunities: On the Ground
Sell MAA opportunities to CPE funded programs Leverage MAA programmatic reach and financial benefits to build and maintain partnerships Jail Medical changes, focus on newly eligible expansion population . AOD and MH benefits

6 Create a Multi-Year Roadmap
Understand your organization’s health improvement goals and how increasing Medi-Cal access and utilization will help achieve them ID measurable short and long range goals Incorporate into existing local planning – Community Corrections Partnership, Mental Health Services Act, AOD Strategic Planning, Community Health Assessment/Improvement Plans Provide a Plumas year-by-year example for each bullet

7 Step 1: ID Target Audience
Internal: Program and Division managers Fiscal leadership Department leadership External: Other county/city departments Nonprofits MHSA funded programs Provide a Plumas year-by-year example for each bullet

8 Step 2: Have a Plan Complete a Fiscal Leveraging Assessment Tool
Interview leadership, fiscal and program staff to determine capacity Consult with “like” LGAs and LGA Consultant Consider year-by-year growth Provide a Plumas year-by-year example for each bullet

9 Step 3: Make your pitch Tailor to your audience: Program
Workload concerns, benefit, training Chief fiscal officer Cost, sources of match, audit risk and defense, best practices Top leadership Increasing capacity, reinforcing service mission Provide a Plumas year-by-year example for each bullet

10 Plumas MAA Journey: a Slow Climb
FY MAA reimbursement: $104,188 FY MAA reimbursement: $361,731 FY MAA Reimbursement: $659,755 FY MAA Invoiced: $844,744 Provide a Plumas year-by-year example for each bullet of claiming units

11 MAA Journey cont’d FY 05-06: 2 Claiming Units, 9 time survey participants. Today: 7 Claiming Units, 74 time survey participants AOD, Probation, Tribal non-profit, Family Resource Center non-profit, 2 district hospitals. Provide a Plumas year-by-year example for each bullet

12 Strategies Involve leadership of every claiming unit
Connect decision makers with “top 10” LGAs Incorporate into existing local planning – Community Corrections Partnership, Mental Health Services Act, Community Health Assessment/Improvement Plans

13 Operational Considerations
How will capacity align with program implementation and growth? Internal staff? Use of vendors? Initial investments?

14 Chicken or the Egg? Outreach Enrollment and Retention multi-agency workgroup Express Enrollment at K-12 Schools ACA Health Systems coordination across hospital, tribal, nonprofit and public agencies Never miss an opportunity – recoup multiple benefits

15 Leadership Philosophy
Mission must drive financial opportunities, not the other way around Shared vision across multiple partners to guide priorities

16 Thank You Mimi Hall 530-283-6342
QUESTIONS? Thank You Mimi Hall

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