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1 shango

2 shango SHANGO was originally the deity of thunder and lightening worshipped among the Yorubo people of West Africa. Among the Yorubu people, the veneration of ancestors was an integral part of the culture. When they came to Trinidad during the era of slavery, they had no wish to sever their African ties.

3 shango Slavery and the Aftermath The Shaping of Shango
Slavery was abolished in immediately following emancipation, Trinidad saw an influx of indentures labourers who came under a contract to work the land for a stipulated period of time. The Shaping of Shango The influx of Americans meant the presence in Trinidad and Tobago or more persons who were familiar with African traditional religion Shango and the Spiritual Baptism Early in the twentieth century, the Spiritual Baptism (also referred to as the Shouter Baptism) emerged in the island of Saint Vincent and eventually spread to Trinidad and Tobago.

4 shango Shango Today The Spirit World
The Grounding of Shango in Trinidad and Tobago Shango took root in Trinidad as the African peoples sought to hold on to their culture, while at the same time embracing some of what was being presented to them to them in European garb. Shango Today In Trinidad and Tobago, Shango has declined in importance. The continuance of the cult depends very much upon the dynamic of the leader . Leadership tends to be passed on the close relatives or active cult members The Spirit World There is believe to exist a world of spirits. At the head of everything in this world stands the Supreme Being. He may be called by one of several names. Under His control are the lesser spirits. Some of these are nature spirits, some are human spirits.

5 shango Worship Worship is the avenue through which believers approach God. They do this via the “powers” who must involked at the drumming, singing, dancing, praying, spirit-possessing, pouring of libations of rum, offering of sacrifices, e.g. at goat or chicken. Worship Ceremonies The nature of these ceremonies will vary. There are Thanksgiving ceremonies during which there may be the feeding of children, since children are held to celebrate the birth of a child, and if the birth is a twin, the rejoicing is even greater. Place of Worship Shango worship may take place anywhere, e.g. on a beach, in the hills. However, there is usually house set aside for the purpose.

6 shango The Saints The spirits of African ancestors who feature prominently in shango also bear the name Roman Catholic saints. The Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ have their corresponding African names. The spirit or saints act as intermediaries between shangoists and God. Evil Beings Evil spirits do exist and can inflict harm upon people. Shangoists believe that there are beings called “soucouvants” Life is Not only Physical are beings

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