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Welcome to our Early Years Information Evening

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our Early Years Information Evening"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our Early Years Information Evening

2 The EYFS Curriculum The EYFS Curriculum is divided into 7 areas of learning: Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Literacy Mathematics Communication and Language Understanding The World Expressive Arts and Design

3 Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Children can play cooperatively and form positive relationships. They are confident to try new activities and talk about their ideas. They can manage their own feelings and behaviour.

4 Physical Development Children can move confidently in a variety of ways. They show good control in large and small movements. They handle tools and equipment effectively They can manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs effectively (including dressing themselves).

5 Literacy Children can read and understand simple texts.
They can use their phonic knowledge to read and write words. They can demonstrate understanding about what they have read. They can write simple sentences.

6 Mathematics Children can count and work confidently with numbers from 1-20. They can solve problems. They know the characteristics of everyday 2D and 3D shapes.

7 Communication and language
Children listen attentively in a range of situations and respond to what they hear with relevant comments or questions. They can follow instructions, answer how and why questions and express themselves effectively.

8 Understanding the world
Children know about similarities between themselves, their own lives and others. They are familiar with the features of their own environment. They can talk about changes in nature, plants and animals.

9 Expressive arts and design
Children can represent their own ideas using music, dance, role play, art, stories, and DT. They can safely use and explore a variety of tools, techniques and materials.

10 The Daily Routine(Morning)
8.45 Children arrive and self register 9am Hello! Mental Maths Group Planning Phonics Learning Activities Snack & Big Talk Learning Activities 11.30 Plenary-What have we learnt? Lunch

11 The Daily Routine(Afternoon)
1.15 Story and Shared Writing Learning Activities 2.55 Plenary-What have we learnt? Story/Songs/Music 3.15 Home time

12 Autumn Spring Summer Topics All about Me Colour and Christmas
Traditional Tales Spring & New Life Summer The Farm The Seaside

13 How we can work together
Reading at home Maths challenges Handwriting/Hand control Phonics Interesting things!

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