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Career Management 1.03 Analyze the Impact of Personal Growth/Development and Change Throughout Life.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Management 1.03 Analyze the Impact of Personal Growth/Development and Change Throughout Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Management 1.03 Analyze the Impact of Personal Growth/Development and Change Throughout Life

2 Health Decisions & Practices
Physical & mental health can affect job performance Healthy people have the energy they need to perform their job

3 Safety in the Workplace
A law that guarantees financial assistance to workers injured on the job is Workers’ Compensation Inadequate rest is related to increased accidents on the job Laziness contributes to unsafe working conditions Workplace safety is primarily the responsibility of individual employees

4 Leisure Time Favorite hobbies Time free from everyday responsibilities
When a person finds a job that they enjoy (may have to do with favorite leisure time activities) their mental health is generally good

5 Job vs. Career The main reason most young people seek a 1st job is to earn money i.e. newspaper carrier Careers pursue a person’s interests

6 Lifestyle Lifestyle is the way a person lives his or her life
According to Erickson, attitudes toward work and personal responsibility are 1st formed as a preschooler

7 Stress Stress is a natural reaction to the demands of everyday life
Change is a major cause of stress Changes that can be planned for are predictable, and less stressful Exercise 3 x week for 20 minutes can reduce stress

8 Life Roles Life Roles are the various parts of one’s life, such as citizen, parent, spouse, worker, etc. Human development stages vary from person to person

9 Unemployment When laid off from work, a person may qualify for unemployment insurance - COBRA

10 Middle Aged Group The Middle-aged adults developmental group is most concerned with providing for their family Age Discrimination Act – passed in prohibits discrimination against people years of age Sandwich Generation = a group of people caring for both their parents and their children

11 Family Medical Leave Act
The FMLA entitles unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons with continuation of group health insurance coverage Designed to cover Males & Females

12 Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Enable individuals with disabilities to find jobs or keep their jobs Free to those who meet the legal eligibility guidelines

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